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Getting out of the shower, my feet pad along the warm carpets.

I let my damp hair tumble down my shoulders.

It's gotten so thick these days.

Tying the terry robe high around my waist, I walk slowly over to Taehyung who is reading quietly on the bed. 

He's wearing a thin, white t-shirt and black shorts. 

My eyes travel lovingly over the length of the man whom I love so much, my heart can barely contain it. 

I survey him as I walk across the room.

The contours if his strong thigh muscles, the soft covering of almost invisible, dark hairs on forearms. 

The intricate network of veins on his beautiful hands as he turns yet another page.

When he feels the indentation of my form sinking into the bed next to him, he turns to me smiling softly as he removes his spectacles from his nose.

"How are you feeling?" he asks fingertips skimming over the contours of my growing tummy.

"Good, never better," I breathe out giving him a contented grin that stays plastered on my face until he reaches up to cup my chin, kissing me tenderly on the lips.

I place my hand lovingly over his, holding it firmly against me.

We both gasp and chuckle in surprise when the little life inside me moves underneath his father's touch.

We stare into each other's eyes marvelling at what we had managed to achieve together. 

What greater symbol of our love could there ever be? 

In the last 6 months Taehyung and I have grown so much closer than I thought was even humanly possible. 

He felt for me, we cared for each other, we listened to each other's worries.

He is my strength, my love and I am his.

I thought it wasn't possible to love more than I already did after falling for Taehyung but I was wrong

With every little flutter and kick my heart grew bigger and bigger.

And now I was ready for this

I'm ready for us to be a family.



Those are the feint words I hear through the blur of activity going on in the room. 

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now