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You know that amazing feeling you get when you do something that people have been telling you, you couldn't do all along?

Today I've got that feeling.

Things have also been going really well with J. 

Our relationship or should I call it more of an 'understanding' suits us both quite well as neither of us feel tied down.

But still, he's always there for me when I need him. I study his face as he sits across from me and feel bad for the little dark circles that have become pronounced under his eyes. We stayed up all night going over the details for the event. 

Everything needed to go perfectly.

Everything needed to go perfectly

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In the days leading up to the event which is finally happening today, I've been feeling so light and liberated. I'm nearly back to my normal self.

I resolved that I'll always love Taehyung but if he's happy, well then I have to be happy for him as well. 

If we couldn't be together, I just hope that he's found someone who will love him as much as I did.

I munch away happily at the avocado toast and poached egg that sits in front of me on the table and stop mid – chew to wonder where Caggie has disappeared to.

"Cag'?" I call out loudly. 

J gets up, taking our empty plates to the sink as I shuffle into Caggie's room. She was out last night but I don't even remember her coming back in. We must have been asleep.

Peering into the room, I find no Caggie but the gargling noises coming from her bathroom cause my ears to perk up and I make my way cautiously to the toilet area attached to her bedroom. 

On the cold tile, hair disheveled and sequinned mini dress carelessly bunch up around her tiny frame is Caggie. At first I'm afraid that she's unconscious but the little groan that issues from her flacid body on the ground tells me that she's awake.

"Caggie what the hell!"

"Uuuuh, Anna no shouting..." she groans again covering her ears.

"Are you hung over?"


"Yes you are!" I sigh impatiently, tugging at the nearest limb that I can reach to help pull her upright.

"I can't believe you right now! How do you go out and get fucked up the night before our big day, are you kidding me?"

But Caggie can't answer, she just keeps groaning or letting out short grunts in response. 

I help her into the shower, turning it on a warm- hot setting and help her remove her clothes. She is practically a child at the moment so I'm going to treat her like one!

Just Friends| Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now