Chapter 8

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Chris' POV

I walk out of the room.

"No no no no," I keep saying. I kick one of the chairs in the hallway, angry, "No no NO no no no no no..." I trail off. People stare at me and the chair Ive kicked lays on its side on the white-tile-floor. I sit on the floor with my knees to my chest and my head in my arms, "No no no no no..."


After I cool off a bit, I stand and send a text to about twenty people. My phone has been blowing up with texts and calls and all I've been saying is 'I can't talk right now' or 'Something's come up'. Now, I'm going to tell everyone the real reason why I've been so MIA for the last three days.

The text that I send to everyone simply reads: Get to the hospital. Riley's alive.

After that, I decide to call one person in particular. After waiting a minute, I only get her voicemail. I sigh.

"Hey, it's me. I just needed to tell you that I may not be answering many of your calls or texts over the next couple days. Something's happened..."


I take a breath, then walk back into Riley's room. She looks up at me.


"Hey." I repeat, sitting on the edge of her bed next to her, "I'm sorry I ran out."

"It's okay. I don't blame you." She says, "You didn't break the hospital during your little angry rampage, did you?"

I hiss, "You heard that?"

"Wisconsin heard that." She says.

I smile, "You know, I think this is the most I've ever heard you talk."

She nods, "Well...I'm free now...I'm gonna take that to my advantage."

I pause, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

She shakes her head 'no'.

I nod and sit on the edge of her bed next to her; I put an arm around her, "Well, if you ever do...I'm here." I say before kissing the top of her head.

There's a pause.

I suddenly hear rapid footsteps from outside. Before either Riley or I can even begin to comprehend what may be happening, Ricky runs into the room and full speed. He comes to a dead stop though when he sees Riley. He stares at her a moment.

"Oh my God." He states.

"Ricky?" Riley asks.

"Oh my God...Oh my God oh my God..." Ricky says, walking over. He continues to murmur 'oh my God' as he observes Riley more closely, looking into her eyes and cupping her face in his hands.

"Oh my God." He says before standing straight up again. He suddenly runs out, "You guys!" He calls as he runs out. Everyone else must be here too.

Almost everyone I messaged tries to run into the room at once. Riley's eyes widen. I squeeze her hand.

"You're alive." Balz says, looking at her in shock.

"Easy, guys. She's been through a rough time. Don't wanna overwhelm her." I say.

Ryan looks at the clipboard on the end of Riley's bed and skims through it, looking at her injuries,  as everyone else tries to comprehend everything that's going on.

"Surgery?" Ryan asks, still looking at the clipboard.

"I'll explain later." I say.

"When are they letting her out?" Josh asks.

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