Chapter 18

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Chris' POV

Sabrina walks up to the bedroom.

I smile, "Hey." I greet.

"Hey." She repeats, sitting on the bed. Something seems a bit off though...

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"I just had a very interesting conversation with Riley."

"I thought she went to bed."

"She couldn't sleep."

I sigh, "Again?" I ask, "Did she say why?"

"She did this time, actually." Sabrina says, "Chris...eleven years ago today, that poor girl was kidnapped in her own home and was sent into a life of pain and torture. It all happened so fast and it was so simple for that Marcus guy to take her, she's questioning if it's just as easy for it to happen again. She said she's been having nightmares and that's why she hasn't been sleeping. And there are so many reminders here is what happened..."

I pause, "She doesn't feel safe?" I ask.

"I don't think it's that, necessarily. I just think that there are so many things around her that remind her of what happened that it unsettles her."

I think, "Well, we'll be going to Warped soon. We'll be on the road and away from the house for three months."

"Yes, but what about after that? Who's to say she'll be any better once we get back?"

I sigh, "I don't know. What do you think we should do?"

Sabrina thinks a minute, "Well...remember what you were planning on doing a couple weeks before Riley came back?"

"Yeah, I -" I then cut myself off when I realize what she's saying, "Oh. Do you think I should start reconsidering that?"

"At least consider it. It might be a little tricky with Warped coming up and all, but I think it'd be good for you guys to get a fresh start."

I suddenly think of something. I smile and take Sabrina's hand, "No. It'd be good for us to get a fresh start; the three of us."

Sabrina's eyes widen, "Really?"

I nod, "What do you say?"

Sabrina smiles and nods, "Okay."

I grin, then pull Sabrina to me and kiss her. We come apart and my smile grows.

"I love you." I say, "I have zero idea how this is gonna work but we're gonna figure it out together and its gonna be amazing." I say.

Sabrina smiles, "I love you too." She says before wrapping her arms around me. I wrap mine around her waist and hold her close to me. I have a good feeling about all of this...


A few days later.

We give Riley a quick "grand tour" of the tour bus, show her to her bunk, then the guys and I go to rehearse.

Sabrina and I have yet to tell Riley about our little plan. Actually, we haven't told anyone for that matter; and we probably won't until after Warped Tour is over. It's just easier to focus on our current priorities at the moment.


Riley's POV

The next day.

"Get up!" Someone yells.

The curtain to my bunk is ripped open by Ricky.

"Rise and shine, Rileybear. Come on, up and at 'em."

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