Chapter 20

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A/N: IMPORTANT! Read the ending disclaimer at the bottom when you finish reading this chapter. I have some things to say about this chapter and the ones ahead and it's really important that you read what I have to say.

I own no references used.

Chris' POV

Warped Tour is always fun, but it's also always tiring. It's exhausting getting up every morning bright and early, setting up, trying to get passed all of the crazy people that want to marry you, etc. every day. But there are always some really fun stories to tell about Warped Tour. I've gotten my fair share of bras and thongs thrown at me on stage - that seems to happen more at Warped Tour than anywhere else - and so have the rest of the guys.

Warped is especially crazy this time around since we've brought Riley with us. Everyone wants to talk to her. Some people come over to our tent just to talk to that one singer's daughter that everyone thought died. Riley doesn't seem to mind all of the attention, but I can't help but feel like she's uncomfortable in some way...

We performed about an hour ago, and now it's time for our signing. I walk over to the merch tent and approach the girls.

"Hey, how's it going?" I ask.

"Really good. Lots of people have come up today." Riley answers.

"Good. And how's the birthday girl doing?" I ask, wrapping my arms around Sabrina's torso from behind.

"I am doing fantastic." She says, smiling.

"Well good." I say before quickly kissing her then walking to my spot for the signing.

I should also mention that this has probably been the best Warped Tour we've ever been on. No, not probably the best - it is the best. I have all of my best friends here, I have my fantastic girlfriend, and my amazing daughter, all with me on a super fun tour meeting so many people and doing so many amazing things. I haven't been this happy in a long time...

Riley's POV

"Here's your change." I say to the person in front of me. I turn to the person next to them who just asked me a question, "No, this is the line for merch, the line for the signing is over there." I say, gesturing to the other, longer line leading up to the tent. Someone else asks me something, "The shirts are twenty dollars."

Having three conversations at once has almost become normal to me by now.

"Look at Rileybear; working merch, crushing on boys, you're all grown up." Balz states.

I snort, "Please. I am not crushing on any bo -" I then cut myself off and slowly turn my head to Sabrina.

"Hey, don't kill the messenger." She says.

"You're lucky it's your birthday." I say before getting back to work.


A few days later.

We've got a little while before the gates open. I check my phone and see that I have a couple more followers on social media. I've got nothing else to do, so I decide to scroll through some of them. Most of them just seem to be regular, random people. Some of them are Motionless in White fanpages.

And that's when I see it.

"Oh my God." I say aloud.

"What?" Sabrina asks.

I try to think of how to word this, "A friend of mine from my old school followed me."

"Oh, that's cool. Which one?" Sabrina asks.

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