Chapter 23

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Chris' POV

The next couple weeks were pure and utter chaos. Packing everything up in so little time was a lot harder than I thought it would be. With the help of the guys and some other friends and family, we managed to get it all in time though.

Although it was great to know we'd all be getting a fresh start, it was weird to be leaving this house. I moved here almost 16 years ago when we found out Carlie was pregnant. We brought Riley home here from the hospital after she was born. I ran into this house screaming and jumping up and down with excitement when the band first got signed to Fearless Records. This house is not only where Riley grew up, but it's where I did too...

However, this is also the house where Carlie abused and neglected Riley for so long before I kicked Carlie out. This is the house where Riley was kidnapped...But it's also where I brought her home from the hospital for the second time when she was brought back to me.

Needless to say, leaving here is a pretty bittersweet feeling.

I hope this makes Riley feel better; safer. I feel like she's been acting weird again, lately. I swear to God I'm always hearing her talking to herself in her room. I can never make out what she's saying though...

Riley 's POV

"I want you to know how hard this whole thing has been...No. This entire process has been a struggle...Noo..." I sigh, "I'm sorry that...that I can't get the damn words out."

I sigh. I'll worry about that later. I pick up the last box from my bedroom. I look around my empty bedroom for the last time, then turn and walk out.

I walk down the stairs.

"You need any help with that?" Dad asks.

"No. It isn't heavy." I lie as I walk into the empty living room. The entire house is empty except for my dad and myself. My heart breaks a little bit. Yes, a lot of bad memories rest with this house, but a lot of good ones do too...

"You ready?" My dad asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I nod, taking one last look around. Dad steps forward and takes the box from me.

"I thought you said this wasn't heavy you fibber." He says.

"If I was able to carry it, I think you'll live."

He laughs, "C'mon you little shit."

We walk out. Dad walks over and puts the box in the car, then walks back over as he digs into his pocket. He pulls out his keys, and pulls the key to this house off of the chain. He sets it on top of the mail box. We pause a minute, silently saying one last goodbye before we turn and go to the car. The guys are already at the new house with the moving truck so we need to catch up with them.


Moving into our new house has been a process and a half. My dad has suddenly turned into someone with extreme OCD and he just needs everything to be perfect. Meanwhile, we're all running around like chickens with our heads cut off while Dad is running around like a crazy director on a movie set.

I managed to escape the chaos a bit and get started on moving my things into room and getting it ready. I managed to get all of my clothes where they belong in only an hour. Now, I'm just trying to get my decorations and bathroom stuff put together.

There's a knock on my door. It opens and my dad peaks his head in, "Hey. I was wondering where you wandered off to."

"I've been up here. I've still got quite a bit to go but I got all of my clothes put away." I say, "Do you guys need anymore help?"

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