Chapter 14

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Chris' POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Please remain seated and fasten your seatbelts as we make our final decent into California. Our flight attendants will be coming around once more to pick up any trash you may have. Please make sure that all electronic devices are on game or airplane mode. Thank you for flying with us today, and welcome to Los Angeles."

I breathe out a sigh of relief. God, I hate flying. Riley opens her eyes; she'd fallen asleep on Ricky's shoulder. She sits up and attempts to stretch in the small space she has.

"Don't worry. We're flying first class on the way back." I laugh.

"Ooh, fancy." Riley says.

"You missed your dad's freak out when we hit the tiniest bit of turbulence." Ricky says.

"The plane was practically sideways!" I say, defensively.


We walk into the hotel room, anxious to relax.

Riley stops in her tracks, "Woah..." She says, looking around the suite, "So this is the perks of being a rock star, huh?"

"Yup." Vinny says.

"Pretty sweet, huh?" Ryan asks.

"Pretty sweet? This is amazing!" Riley says.

"Well good, 'cause we're gonna be spending a lot of our time here." Balz says, making himself comfortable on the couch.

Sabrina rolls her eyes, "Come on, Riley. While the boys are being lazy, I say you and I go check out the pool."

Riley smiles, "I like that idea." She says, following Sabrina into the other room.


Sabrina walks out in a white tank and shorts. Her navy blue bikini top is visible under the shirt.

"We shouldn't be gone more than a couple hours." She says.

"Okay." I say, sitting on the couch and watching TV with the rest of the guys.

Riley walks out, putting her blonde locks into a ponytail. She's in black flip flops, blue faded jean shorts...and a black bikini top.

I stand, "Woah, uh uh. No. Hell no. Go change." I tell Riley.

"But this is the only swim suit I have." Riley says.

"Where did you even get that?!" I ask.

"I bought it for her." Sabrina says, nonchalantly.


"She likes it, Chris."

"Yeah, and if I like it, I should be able to wear it. It's my body, Dad."

"Very good." Sabrina says to Riley before facing me again, "Keep your mouth shut or I'll cut you. Okay we'll be back later!" She says cheerfully before leading Riley out of the room.


The guys are in other rooms, either showering, sleeping or unpacking. I walk into the kitchen and grab a vanilla coke. The girls walk back in.

"Are you kidding? He totally thought you were cute." Sabrina says.


"What's wrong?"

"I just...I'm not really into guys like that."

"Guys like what?" Sabrina asks.

Riley looks over and sees me, "I'll tell you later." She says before walking into another room.

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