Chapter 35

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Riley's POV

The couple of days after that were pretty hectic as well. Max got the job; she starts next Monday. She came over to the house a couple more times to hang out as well. She still seemed a bit frazzled -for lack of a better word -over losing her dad, but she's...getting there.

My dad and Sabrina have been running around the house like chickens with their heads cut off trying to get ready for tour. From packing, to rehearsals, to getting merch ready; it's been a process and a half.

During school, Emily and I meet up during homeroom everyday to work on our psych report. Despite what happened when she came over to the house, I think she's still helping to spread rumors about me and my family. I've pretty much given up on the possibilities of that ever ending any time soon, or at all for that matter. After finding out that she was the once going to my dad's house pretending to be me while I was still in captivity, I think I hate her even more.

I never knew what my dad meant when he'd said "Emily" that night, and I guess it never occured to me that it was Emily Poncher. I haven't asked my dad about it since I found out about it, nor do I plan to. I'm not sure I even want to know.

I told Max about it and she didn't even seem surprised. When I told Jack, however, he was appauled. He's been trying to steer clear of Emily as best as he could, and it was sort of working as he started to hang out with me more and more.

Mine and Jack's rehearsals have been going pretty well. I'm still trying to learn the song a bit because I've had so much going on over the last couple of days that I've never really had time to go over it at home. Jack was totally understanding though, especially when I told him about the whole Max situation.

As predicted, people have started approaching Jack and asking him if the rumors about me and my family are true. Jack is a much better target than someone like Max or Emily. Max is my girlfriend, so her opinion would be biased. Emily is known for hating my family, so her opinion would be biased as well. But Jack as only known me a while and hasn't heard very much of Motionless in White's music. So a lot of the attention has been on him.

"Are you and Jack rehearsing again today?" My dad asks me.

"Not today. He's got a project he has to work on and he has basketball practice after school." I state.

"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?" Sabrina asks.

"For the billionth time, yes, I'll be fine." I say.

Motionless was leaving for tour again today. I said goodbye to the rest of the guys last night, as I wasn't able to see them this morning before they leave. Max came over a while last night as well and got to see everyone. She wasn't in the best mood though, as her dad's funeral was yesterday...I'm not sure when she'll be back in school, but I assume it won't be for a while.

I zip up my backpack and throw it over my shoulders. I put my phone into my pocket, then sigh.

"I've gotta get going or I'm going to be late." I say, buttoning up my coat.

I walk up to my dad and hug him. He hugs me in return and kisses the top of my head.

"We'll see you in a few weeks, okay? And we'll call you as soon as we land. No wild parties." He says.

I laugh, "Don't worry." I say, "I love you, Daddy. I'm gonna miss you."

"I love you too, Rileybear. We're gonna miss you like crazy."

We break the embrace and I go over to Sabrina and hug her.

"Be good, okay?" She asks.

"I will." I confirm.

We break the embace and I take a breath, then walk outside into the cold Scranton air without looking back. I go into the garage and grab my bike, then get on it and head off with tears running down my face.


I dreaded going back to the house after school. Don't get me wrong, I was excited to have the house to myself for a few weeks. However, that doesn't mean I'm not going to miss my family.

I was able to get a lot of homework done in homeroom, so I didn't have much to take home. I button up my coat as I walk out of the building. I put in my earbuds and the deep bass of 'Damien' by Iced Earth fills my ears as my already freezing fingers work the lock on my bike. I put the lock in my backpack, then get on my bike and quickly pedal away from the school.

Some would say that listening to music on your bike is a bad idea. My dad always tells me not to whenever he catches me doing it -even though he probably did it himself when he was my age. I probably shouldn't be doing it, but it's been a long day and music relaxes me.

The cold air stings, but I choose to not let it bother me. I'd much rather it be cold than hot. I can tolerate the cold November wind much better than the burning July sun.

About ten minutes later, I arrive back at the house. I punch in the code on the keypad, then put a finger on the scanner so it can get my finger print. The gates open. Pretty good security system, huh? My dad got that installed pretty much the minute we decided that I'd be staying home alone when he left for tour. Although, it does make me feel a lot safer knowing that we've got such a good security system.

I quickly pedal up the driveway and into the garage, then dig out my keys as I walk up to the house. I unlock the door, then step inside, closing the door and locking it back up behind me. I kick my shoes off and sigh, tired from the day.

I immediately head to the library. Once there, I put in my backpack on the ground and put my coat over one of the chairs next to the fireplace. I go to the fireplace, turn the knob on the ground, and then a second later there's a large flame. I throw in a piece of wood in to keep it going, then sit back down and grab my backpack.

Typical me, right? I have this great big house all to myself. I can quite literally do whatever the Hell I want, and the first thing I do is my homework. I'm tempted to invite Max over, but she's not been too well. Plus, my dad's plane will be landing soon. If he were to call me and realize that I invited Max over right after he left, taking advantage of the fact that we'd be alone together, he'd flip his shit.

Some other time then.

A/N: Well that sucked. Sorry. It was just a filler. The only really important stuff was at the very beginning. The real gist now is that Chris and Sabrina are gone and are trusting Riley to take care of herself. How do you guys think that that'll all work out?

I'm in a bit of a better mood today. I'm gonna get to see my mom today for the first time in a few months so that's always nice :)

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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