Chapter 31

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Riley's POV

I walked out of school, eager to walk home to my big giant house. The band is coming home from tour today. I'm beyond excited to see everyone again.

I shiver in the November air as I look around. Everyone was whispering to each other and glancing over at something in front of the school. Or someone rather.

Parked in front of the school was the familiar black car my dad normally drove. And leaning up against it was the man himself; skinny jeans, leather jacket and all. He looks over and sees me, then smiles.

I smile too, and run over to him as fast as I can, "Daddy!" I exclaim, hugging him.

"Hey, Rileybear." He says, hugging me back.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, kiddo." He says, "Sabrina isn't feeling too well so I decided to just leave her be for a while. How much homework you have?"

"Not much."

"Cool. You wanna just go to the mall or something?"

"Sure." I say. He opens the passenger door and I get in, happy to have him back.

Even if it was only for a week.

Little did we know though, that this would be the craziest week ever. (A/N: Sabrina's NOT pregnant so don't get any ideas...)


"Mmm..." I hum after taking a sip of my first pumpkin spice latte.

"Is that not one of the best things you've ever put in your mouth?" My dad asks.

"This is pretty amazing. They need to make this a year round thing."

"I know!" He says.

I laugh and take another sip as we continue walking through the mall.

"So how've you and Max been? I know she was there last time I video chatted you and she seemed to be doing alright. She just seemed really shaken up when she called me on Halloween."

"I'm actually kind of worried about her." I admit, "She hasn't been to school in two days and she hasn't responded to me at all when I've tried getting a hold of her."

"I would suggest you go over to her place and see if she'll talk to you, but I don't think I'd be comfortable with you being in that neighborhood."

I sigh, "I'm sure I'll get a hold of her soon. She can't hide forever. And even if she tries to, this is a small town - word gets around quick. I'm sure I'll find out what's going on soon one way or another."

My dad nods.

There's a pause.

"Hey, has Sabrina ever let you borrow any jewelry of hers? Bracelets, necklaces, rings?"


"And it all fit?"


"Okay...Well you don't by any chance, like, you know...know Sabrina's ring size?"

I gasp and smile, "What?!"

"Ssshhh! There are at least seventeen MIW fangirls with their phone cameras on us and if word gets out, this whole thing will go to Hell. So keep your trap shut, okay?"

I bite my lip and nod my head rapidly, trying not to squeal.


I'm practically bouncing in my seat as we drive home.

"Are you excited for something or did you just have to much caffeine?" My dad asks.

"When are you gonna do it?!" I ask, excitedly, "Is it gonna be soon? Or is it gonna be like, in the spring? What are you gonna say? How are you gonna do it? If you do it publicly can I be there so I can see the look on her face?! Why do you -"

"I don't know!" Dad laughs, "Just keep your mouth shut until then, okay?"

"I will. Scout's honor."

"You were never a scout."

"Okay, then lesbian's honor."

Dad laughs, "I don't think that's a thing."

"Well it is now." I say, smiling.

A/N: Okay, this chapter was pretty short, but the next chapter is gonna be really long, promise.

Soo I tried to make it obvious what Chris has planned for Sabrina so...yeah :)

Also. What's up with Max? Why hasn't she been to school and why hasn't she talked to Riley? Hmmmm. Let me know your guesses in the comments!

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