Chapter 17

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Time leap, June 3rd.

I didn't sleep much last night. Then again, neither have I the last couple nights. I mostly read and packed for Warped Tour, which we leave for in a week. I eventually passed out around 5 a.m. when the sun started coming up and woke up again around 9. After that, I decided to shower and start getting ready.

I've decided to straighten my blonde hair today. So far, it's looking pretty good. I have no idea what Dad is planning for me today, but whatever it is, I figure I should look good while we do it.

There are two small knocks on the door. It opens and my dad peeks his head in.

"Ohh Rileybear..." He sings.

"Over here..." I sing in the same tune.

He laughs, then walks in, "And how is the birthday girl doing this morning?"

"Fantastic." I say, running the straightener through another few stands of my hair.

"Good. You need plenty of energy because we've got a long day ahead of us."

"Do we now?" I ask. I look at him through the reflection of my mirror as I continue to straighten my hair, "Why are your hands behind your back?"

He sighs dramatically, "You got me." He says, removing his hands from behind his back to reveal a box.

"You got me something?" I ask, putting the straightener down and turning around.

"Of course!" He says, handing me the box, "Happy Birthday, Rileybear."

I smile and open the box to reveal a 'Hail Satan and Drink Coffee' shirt from BlackcraftCult.

"Sweet! This is the one that I wanted!"

"And I want you to wear that today when I take you to see Nick because I do recall a certain someone saying she wanted her ears and nose pierced. You are sooo lucky your uncle is a body piercer."

I gasp, "Seriously?!"

"Yeah, I decided I'd let you get it done. We leave in an hour, so finish up getting ready!"

I nod eagerly, "Okay. Thanks, Daddy!"

He smiles, "You're welcome, kiddo." He says before walking out.


"Aaaaand we are done." Nick says, handing me a mirror, "What do you think?"

I observe my nose ring and studs in my ears in the mirror and smile, "I look awesome! Thanks so much, Nick."

"No problem. l, kiddo." Nick says, smiling. He looks to my dad, "Am I good, or am I good?"

"You are good." My dad chuckles.

We go over how to keep the piercings clean and how to prevent them from getting infected, and so on. We talk a bit more, then decide to get going.

"Be careful guys. Happy Birthday, Riley." Nick says.

"Bye, Nick!" I say.

"Thanks again, man." Dad says before we walk out.


I take a sip of my vanilla latte, "Starbucks is amazing." I say before taking a bite out of my birthday cake pop.

"Isn't it?" Dad asks.

I smile and nod as we drive up to the house.

"So what's next on this the agenda of this 'long day' that we have ahead of us?"

"Patience, child." My dad says.

I laugh and get of the car. Dad and I walk up to the house and the sun beats down on is.

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