Chapter 7

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*Alanas pov*

I woke up and checked my phone. I was blinded by the light so I had to turn the brightness down. it's 3am why am I up?

I took my phone off of airplane mode and saw I had a text from Hayes.

Bae ( hayess) (imagine there's a heart emoji, I would add it but I can't because I'm on my laptop :D.):

Heyyyy, I know it's early but I randomly woke up so i decided to text you. I don't know if you noticed but i added my number to your phone when you went to the washroom, I hope you don't mine! x

I saw next to it, it said Sent 2:58am this might mean he's still awake,

Alana: No I don't mind, I would've asked but I guess I forgot, you still awake?

I decided not to send kisses back because i barley knew the boy! Like come on.

He texted back instantly to my surprise. Wow .

Bae (hayess) : yeah i'm still awake, but i need my beauty sleep, unlike you. Goodnight beautiful ;)( insert kissy face emoji here)

I decided not to text back and just go to sleep. I put my phone on airplane mode again and placed it on my bed side table next to my glasses. Yes I wear glasses, I just don't wear them, even though I'm meant to.

As soon as my head hit my pillow again I was asleep, Typical me.


*Still Alana pov*

I woke up again at 10am, kinda early for me. It was a Saturday and I had nothing to do.

"MUUUUUUUUUUUUM" I groaned as I walked down the stairs. She was in the kitchen drinking her coffee when she looked up from her news paper and at me.

"Yes, that's me" She said trying to be smart.

I glared at her before saying " I have nothing to do today and it's a Saturday. Help!"

"Well there's a shopping 'mall' as the Americans call it about 5 minutes away. I could drop you and then pick you up later?"

"Yeah sure, can we leave at around 12?" I said with puppy dog eyes.

" Of course "

I strolled upstairs and decided on what to wear. I chose a white hollister crop top which had spaghetti straps. It was tight around my chest then flared out. I pared it with a pair of light wash blue ripped skinny jeans and white converse. I also wore a leather jacket so I didn't get cold. 

Before I put my clothes on I had a shower and washed my self etc. I went into my wardrobe and changed before going to my bathroom sink. I washed off all makeup from yesterday and put on mascara, bronzer and a light pink lipgloss.

I went back into my room and sorted a bag out, I decided on a little black bag that hangs off my shoulder that i've had forever. Inside of it i placed my purse with $60 in it and a $10 note just in the pocket of my bag for food. I also put my my eos, hair ties and my phone. On my Iphone 5s I replaced my plain bumper case for a victoria secret's pink case.

When my mum told me we were moving she gave me money and brought me stuff for being so good about it. It honestly felt like she was buying my love but oh well.

I still hadn't sorted all my things out so I was arranging my wardrobe when my mum said it was time to go. I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on before heading out the door.

As I got into the passenger seat of the car my phone vibrated.

Bae (hayess) : Hey do you wanna do something today? Like the mall.

Alana: I'm just leaving for the mall now, if you wanted to join me I'd love some company :)

Bae (hayess) : Okay I'm leaving in 5 minutes. Meet me by the food court.

Alana : Okay see you.

It was a very quick trip to the mall. i must admit I loved the roads of America, they were so quiet at places.

I hopped out of the car saying a quick thankyou to my mum before making my way to the food court. I decided to sit down at a table while I waited and just played on my phone.

I was too busy on my phone to notice Hayes sat in front of me.

"Alana !" He almost shouted.

"Oh hi, how long have you been there?"

"Oh for a couple of minutes, what shop do you wanna go to first?"

"I dont know, I don't know much about American shops so you'll have to help me." as I said this Hayes stood up and grabbed my hand. He dragged me to a shop called 'American Apparel'

I've heard of it before from tumblr and stuff but never actually been there.

I chose out 2 tops, a skirt and a pair of jeans. I could tell hayes was getting impatient so I went to try them on.

*Hayes pov*

We were looking around the shop for at least 30 minutes before alana went to try some clothes on.

The first thing she came out and showed me was this leaf/jungle print top with some mom jeans. The whole outfit suited her really well.

"Wow" is all I could get out. She was blushing as she closed the curtain again. My gosh was she beautiful.

About 5 minutes later she came out wearing a black halter neck top and a light purple tennis skirt I think you call it. She looked amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

" look beautiful" She smiled at the ground at the comment I just made. Once again she closed the curtain.

This time when she came out she was wearing her normal clothes. As we were walking out of the changing room I said to her " you defiantly have to get that last outfit and the first top!"

"yeah I think I'm going too, I'm not too keen on the jeans."

"how was everything?" A lady who looked about '18 asked Alana.

"good, just the jeans don't suit me" She said as she handed the jeans to the lady.

She went up to the cash register without me, otherwise I would've paid. I offered but she said no.

For a couple of hours we looked around some more shops and got food, this was until Nash came to pick me up.

"Hey Alana do you wanna ride back?" Nash said pointing to the back seat.

"If it's okay with you." She replied. She was so sweet.

" Of course, hop in" Alana got in the back of the car but I got shotgun, we dropped her off to her house and said our thankyous. Wow this was a good date. 

Did I say date? I meant day.

When I got in my house I decided to text her.

To Alana<3 : I had a great day, thankyou for letting me come with you, we'll have to do it again some time ,x

she texted back almost instantly.

Alana<3: yeah sure, I have no other friends so I guess I have no other choice. I'm just kidding ! I had an amazing time. Thankyou bud.

Ouch. ' bud ' the friendzone hit me like a truck.

A/N guys can I just say. I'm really enjoying writing this but I get like barley any reads, I'm still gonna carry on but lets hope i get a few more!

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