Chapter 6

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*Alana's pov*

I was looking through the boxes in my room and sorting things out. I kinda have ocd so I knew it wouldn't take me long to find a place for everything.

I looked in one box that said 'bed side table' on it. I saw my alarm clock and it read 5:00pm. I remember setting it to American time when I was in England. I realized we were getting to their house for 6pm. I quickly jumped up and double checked the time on my phone, it also said 5:00pm. I quickly ran into my bathroom and hopped in the shower. I had already sorted all of my things in the bathroom because I knew I would use it straight away. I washed my hair , shaved my legs and done everything I needed to. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I looked in the mirror and cleaned my face before blow drying my hair. Once my hair was blow dried straight I ran to my wardrobe which had all of my clothes hanging up or in piles, not really sorted out. I chose the first dress I saw, It was black with red polka dots, it was fitted at the top but then flared out once it reached my waste. I put that on with white knee high socks and red converse. 

I went back into the bathroom and done my makeup. I put on some bb cream, bronzer , mascara and red lipstick to match my dress and converse. I got my phone to check the time. It was 5:50pm. Since I had 10 minutes I decided to check instagram and twitter.

I saw that Hayes tweeted three times, wow I guess he kinda liked me.

@HayesGrier: she was so beautiful, glad i bumped into her twice!

@HayesGrier: I believe in love at first sight.

@HayesGrier: Can't wait for tonight, gonna get to know someone better.

I assumed they were about me, i mean I am going to his tonight and I did bump into him twice. I decided to tweet back but not directly to him.

@alanaxo : I could get lost in those blue eyes.

It's kinda cheesy but oh well :D.

I looked at the time to see it was 5:58, Since the Grier's only live next to us we don't have to leave early.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs, I didn't take a coat or anything since we were just next door.

I walked into the kitchen and Daisy ran up to me smiling. I saw that she was wearing the cutest dress ever. It was a light blue and long sleeved, on the front was a picture of a horse, her favourite animal. She had her white converse on that made her look too cute! Her hair was in bunches and she had her sunglasses on for some reason.

My mum and Stuart walked down the stairs gesturing for me and Daisy to come. I picked Daisy up and we walked out the door.

Daisy wanted to knock on the Grier's door so I carried her to it. I was greeted by the same eyes I got lost in earlier today.

*Hayes pov*

I was on twitter when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Alana holding Daisy. It was the cutest thing ever. Alana put Daisy down and she ran off with Skylyn. I gestured for Alana and her parents to come in.

She looked jaw dropping. Her red lipstick complimented her reddish brown eyes so well. She looked beautiful.

I realized I was staring and turned as red as her lips. My step mum Nila came to the door and lead everyone to the family room. There was at least an hour till dinner so everyone introduced them self then made small talk. I promised I would try my best to make sure Alana wasn't bored or anything so I asked if she wanted to come to my room.

"sure" she said in a quiet sheepish voice. She followed me up the stairs. When we got into my room I noticed she was about 4 inches smaller than me. The perfect height. Since I'm 5'9 I guess she's 5'5.

"Hey how tall are you?" I asked.

"Um around 5'5, why?"

"I knew it" I whispered under my breath but I guess she still heard.


"oh nothing." I went bright red. Again! 

"so what are we gonna do?"

" I don't mind, we can watch a movie or play video games if you're into that."

"OH MY GOSH! DO YOU HAVE CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPPS?!" She basically screamed this causing me to jump and land on my bed in the commotion.

She just stood there laughing at me between breathes.

"Yeah I do " I manged to get out between laughter.

She sat on the bed next to me and just stared into my eyes as I did her. Her eyes shone like a star. Wow. I suddenly remembered about call of duty and got up to put it on. I threw her my black controller and I had the blue one. At first we played live with random people. She was pretty good for a girl. It sounds sexist but it's true.

We played for about half an hour until I got bored of her beating me haha.

All of a sudden Nash burst in saying that dinner was gonna be ready in 30 minutes. He said this and then left, leaving the door open.

"NASHHHHHHH" I screamed and he came back and shut the door.

I realized that Alana was just looking around my room. She came across a picture of me and my ex. We broke up only last week so I haven't taken it down. I was holding her bridal style and she was kissing my cheek. It was a really cute picture. We lasted for about 6 months but broke up because she cheated.

" This your girlfriend?" she asked showing me the picture.

" No just some girl" 

"oh" she said as she placed it face down so we could no longer see the actual photograph. She started going through my draws when she came across a Davidson Days jumper.

" You go here?" She asked referring to the school on the jumper.

"Yeah, what school are you moving to?"

"Davidson Days!"

"oh really ? That's so cool! You've already got one friend so you'll be okay." I winked as I said this causing her to blush.

"Yeah, I didn't have many friends at my old school, I kinda gave up on trusting people. Anyway. Do you think I'll fit ?"

"of course everyone will love you!"

For the rest of the time before dinner we talked about school. It was now 7pm and Nila called us down.

We sat at the table, I was next to Alana , Skylyn and Daisy sat next to each other on the opposite side to me and Nash sat at the head of the table, the adults sat in the living room.

For dinner was Nila's signature mac and cheese, and desert was jelly, cake and ice cream. She never lets anyone go to sleep on an empty stomach.

We finished our food and me, Alana, Nash, Skylyn and Daisy decided to hang out in the basement. Skylyn and Daisy played in one area and Nash, Alana and I stayed in the other. The girls were playing horseys and we were just on our phones. I asked Alana is she would take a selfie with me and she did. I didn't realize Nash had photo bombed it until I uploaded it. Alana made a beautiful smile and her eyes glistened, I also smiled but had my arm around her, Nash on the other hand went cross eyed. I posted it with a caption that said: Amazing night.

After an hour of doing nothing in particular the Davidson's had to leave ( Alana and her family ) It seemed like her mom and Nila really hit it off, so did Sky and Daisy and hopefully me and Alana did too. I fell asleep that night thinking about alana. I mean I can't like her. I've only known her for one day. It's just, she's so beautiful

A/N I'm gonna try and update once everyday until I go back to school. When I get back to school updates will be much slower but I will try my hardest. I don't have school until next Monday though so it's okay. I'm gonna try and actually keep this story going until the end.

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