Chapter 20

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*Hayes pov*

I woke up in Camerons room, I must've fallen asleep there.

I got up and walked to my room, taking my stuff with me. 

I walked in and Alana was still asleep.

I got into the bed next to her and cuddled her. Making her wake up.

"Sorry princess " I said as I brushed a piece of hair from her face.

"It's okay , I needed to get up anyway" She says back, looking up at me.

She got out of the bed and proceeded into the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

I heard the shower start and she probably got in.

I took this time to choose what I was wearing today and put it on.

As I started getting changed I heard the shower stop.

I put my Khaki shorts on and then took off my top from yesterday.

Just as I took my top off Alana walked in the room.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry" she said worried , running back into the bathroom.

"It's fine, you saw me topless in the pool, get your clothes " I said laughing at the fact she was standing there in a towel.

She got her clothes and went back into the bathroom. I put on my top and sat on the bed until she was finished.

She came out wearing high wasted jean shorts and a long sleve red croptop. She also had on a gold chain.

Today was the first day of magcon so I could tell she wanted to make an effort.

We stayed into our room until there was a knock on the door at about 10.

We were greeted by all the boys telling us it was time to go, we got into the limo and drove to the place we were having it.

We got there in about 30 minutes , we arrived and there was already a que forming. We had to go into the back entrance because of it.

The place was quite big, we were only going a meet and greet today so we didn't need a stage luckily.

We all just sat around talking, I could tell Alana was nervouse.

*Alana pov*

We walked in and the place was massive!

We were told that we had 10 minutes until the girls were let in , and everyone stood in their place.

I just sat on a chair to the side with Louise, we werent the main focus luckily.

"I'm really nervous" I said to Louis

"It'll be fine trust me" she said.

Just then a screaming crowd of girls were let in and the meet and greet started.

Me and Louise just took selfies and talked, we got a few death stares but ignored them.

I looked up from my phone to see Hayes with what looked like Chloe.

It might not have been but it looked like her.

I saw Hayes walk out of the room and the girl follow him.

"Hey did you see that" I said nudging Louise who was looking in the same direction as me,

"Yup" she replied.

We both got up and went into the same room Hayes and the girl did.

We slowly hid behind a wall so they couldn't see us but we could see them.

I saw Hayes pull something out of his pocket and give it to her, she looked at him and then planted a kiss on his lips.

Just as I was about to go over the a hand grabbed my arm.

I turned back to Louise shaking her head. She guided me back into the room and told Jack G we were leaving because I felt sick.

We got into a taxi and went to the nearest taco bell.

We orderd and then sat down, we talked about Hayes and everything.

Just as we got into the taxi to go to the hotel Hayes texted me.

Hayes : Hey, hope you feel better, I'll be back at the hotel at around 2 xx

I took the emojis out of his name as you can tell.

Me: Take your time. You're sharing with Jack now , I'm with Louise.

We got back to the hotel and decided to just hang in my room.

We took all Hayes' stuff and put it in Jacks room, replacing it with Louise's.

At around 3 we decided to go see the boys.

We walked into Camerons room which is where everyone was, except from Hayes.

"Where's Hayes" I heard Louise whisper to Jack as we sat down.

"He never came back , he said he was staying to talk to someone" Jack said.

I think Cameron could tell I looked hurt because he took me outside.

"Whats up?" He asked.

"Nothing" I said baitly lying.

"What did he do"

"Well first he brought Chloe round my house , then he went on a date with her whilst me and him were a thing and now he went off with her ." I said, in a very confusing way.

"Oh" Cameron said obviously lost for words.


"Well, lets go find him"

"What?" I said.

"You heard me!"

We walked out of the hotel and went to the nearest mall.

We looked in about 2 or 3 shops for them until we found them, suprisingly.

Cameron barged into the resturant and went straight to their table, I just trailed behind.

"Hayes! What are you doing, you have a girlfriend! She's already told me about the other times, and now another one! Wow, pathetic.I thought you were mature for your age, obviously not. I look at you as a little brother, but a cheat is no brother of mine. You should be ashamed" He said before taking a fry and walking back to me.

We left the mall and went back to the hotel as if nothing happened.

"Thanks" I said laughing .

"Anything for you lil sis" He said scruffing my hair.

We went back to his room and everyone was gone.

I was finally in a good mood again until Hayes walked in, and he brought trash.

A/N I know it kinda fails but oh well, I tried

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