Chapter 8

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*Hayes pov*

Today is the last day of school until winter break. I'm so exited !

My mom's coming home from her holiday tomorrow! Her boyfriend and her went on a one month holiday in the Caribbean so my dad and Nila were looking after us at our house. Alanas' mom and Nila have become really good friends, so it's lucky Nila lives 10 minutes away!

Ever since Alana moved here I've been trying my best to hang out with her. Most days after school we do something and on the weekends our family's are together, I think it's going really well. One problem is she's scared to go to school. She thinks people will judge her and stuff but I doubt they will, she's beautiful. I know the boys will be all over her but I'll just have to controll my anger, I mean she's not mine.


Today I decided to knock for Alana to see if she wanted to go get ice cream but she wasn't in.

Neither of her parents cars were there and she wasn't answering so I decided to walk away.

As I walked away Alana opened the door. She was wearing a top and lounging shorts thats it, her hair was wet and she wasnt wearing any makeup. Boy was she cute.

"Hayesssss" she said smiling as she grabbed me and hugged me.

"Hey, I came to see if you wanted to go get ice cream?"

"I kinda can't leave the house, we're waiting for a delivery or something and someone has to be here when it comes so I have to stay. But you can come in if you want?"

"Oh no don't worry, I don't wanna bother you if you're busy."

"No honestly I want you to come ." I felt my cheeks turn red as she said this.

She just laughed and walked inside leaving the door open. I walked in and put my bag on the floor.

She lead me into the kitchen and got something out of one of the cupboards. It was a bag of popcorn, ready made.

"Wanna watch a film?" She asked.

"Yeah sure."

"Any suggestions?" She said as she took the popcorn into her room.

"How about Annabelle?" I asked smirking.

"um.. Okay sure" I laughed at how nervous she sounded and sat down on her bed as she set it up.

Before the movie started she went into her closet and closed the doors. She came out in sweat pants and a jumper.

"Cold are we?" I laughed.

"Ha kinda"

"Well it is the end of November" She just sighed and sat down on the bed next to me.

We were watching the film, with loads of space between us on the bed until a scary bit came. She jumped and hugged me. She had her head on my chest and my arms were around here waist. We stayed like this even after the movie ended.

We just layed there for a minute, I think Alana was still scared. It was amazing, I wish I could hug her like this all the time.

A few minutes passed and her doorbell ran. She screamed and buried her head in my neck. I laughed at her as I got up and started walking down the stairs, she slowly followed me. I opened the door to see it dark outside, there was also a delivery man there. I took the parcel and shut the door.

"I should get going, don't wanna out stay my welcome" I said smiling and heading for the door.

She ran up and grabbed my arm. " Please stay Hayes just until my parents get home."

"okay fine, I'll text my dad to let him know where I am"

She smiled and started to walk to the kitchen. She took out her house phone and started ordering pizza.

"Hi... yes thankyou..... Can i get a pepperoni pizza....... yeah um a sprite please .......... thankyou....... 20 minutes?....... cool thankyou bye."

"Sprite's my favourite how did you know" I said walking over to her and winking.

" Ha I didn't , it's my favourite too" she pulled the biggest smile ever, causing me to smile. Wow her smile is contagious .

For 20 minutes we sat around on our phones. Eventually the pizza got here and we started eating.

" You know at school, do you think people will like me?" she asked.

" Of course they would. And if they don't they're crazy, you're beautiful." Oh my god Hayes! Why did you say that out loud.

She just blushed and went back to her pizza as did I.

After eating we went back to her room and watched a couple movies.

We were in the middle of watching Mean Girls ( her choice) when Chloe texted me.

Chloe : Hey baby, wanna come round ;)?

Hayes : No I'm busy.

Chloe : Oh please, don't tell me you're with that girl you put a picture on instagram with.

Hayes : I have to go.

Chloe : Bye babe x

Hayes : Bye x

To be honest I'm not over Chloe, I still have feelings for her but I just don't know.

I looked over at Alana and she quickly looked away.

"Hey I want a hug" I said as I tried to pull her closer.

"no, I'm going to the toilet" She replied as she pushed me away and got up.

When she went I got a call.

CALL FROM CHLOE ( H= Hayes and C= Chloe)

C : Hey

H : Hi

C : Please come over, everyone's round.

H : And who's everyone?

C : All of our friends.

H : Fine, I'll be there in 20 minutes.

C : That's my boy, see you then baby.

I hung up and locked my phone, focusing back on the tv.

Alana soon came in and just looked at me and sat down.

"Alana I have to go, my dad said I gotta come home"

" Oh, ok hayes." I could tell she didn't really believe me.

She walked me down to her front door and I hugged her. We hugged for about 20 seconds and I went to kiss her on the cheek but she just moved so I couldn't.

I ignored it and started walking to Chloe's house.


As soon as I knocked on the door Chloe came out, obviously drunk. She grabbed me and started kissing me. I kissed back because I mean, I like her. We pulled apart and i saw Alana's moms car drive pass, I ignored it and went inside to see everyone, but Chloe led me to her room.

We kissed for about 20 minutes until she went down to get a drink. I checked my twitter to see that Alana had posted.

Alanaxo : I hate people that lie straight to my face.

Oh well. I ignored it and carried on having a good night.

A/N Guys I'm sorry for all the really short chapters, I'm slowly making them longer though. I keep getting stuck for idea's so I think you should comment some and I might add them :D love you x

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