Chapter 24

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*Couple days later, Alana pov*

North Carolina

I woke up and went on my laptop. It's been like 3 days since Hayes was in the hospital and he was able to go home basically straight away.

We went straight back to North Carolina because he was able to fly and we wanted to get home as quick as possible.

Today is Sunday so I have to get ready for school tomorrow.

I got up and looked at my planner to check if I had homework, luckily I didn't have any due for tomorrow.

I walked downstairs into the family room.

"hey mum, could I take Daisy to the park today?" I asked

"Of course, why are you being so nice?" She said smirking at me.

"Just because me and Daisy never do anything and I thought it's be nice" I said before skipping back to my room.

I got dressed and checked the time, it was 11am.

I went downstairs and Daisy was already ready.

"You ready to go?" I asked her.

"Yup" She said whilst grabbing my hand.

We skipped out of the door, I brought with me $20 and my phone.

We got to the park and she ran to the slides.

She went down and played around for about and hour. 

We decided to make a couple vines and take seflies because she loves doing that.

We were taking pictures when music started playing in the background.

"ICE CREAM TRUCK" We shouted in unison.

I grabbed her hand and we both ran there.

"What do you want " I asked her whilst we were in lines.

"Ice cream cone " She said in her baby ish voice.

She repeated what she wanted to the man and I told him what I wanted .

I payed and we went to sit on a bench.

Once we were finished we made our way back, just as we got in it started to rain.

I took my shoes off and walked upstairs.

I looked through the pictures on my phone from today and uploaded some.

Before I knew it I fell asleep


*next day*

I wake up to my alarm going off, I guess I slept for ages last night because I fell asleep at like 1/2pm.

 I walk downstairs and grab a pop tart. I put it in the toaster and go on my phone as I wait for it to cook.

I eat it as I walk back to my room.

I wash before going into my closet.

I choose out black high wasted jeans and a white crop top jumper that says 'trxye', I wear my air force ones to match.

I put on mascara and that's it.

I walk out of the door with my bag.

This will be a week of hell.

I get to school just as the bell rings, I have England first so that's where I go.

I walk in and all eyes are on me.

I nervously walk to my seat and sit down.

Everyone was glaring at me as if I had killed a man.

"Yes?" I said to Chloe who was next to me and starring.

"You're the reason Hayes got stabbed" She said getting up from her seat and closer to me.

"What? If it wasn't for YOU we wouldn't have had the argument which lead him to go there" I said also getting up.

She shoved me causing me to stumble back.

I got my balance before slapping her around the face.

"YOU BITCH " she shouted as she grabbed my hair.

I punched her and got her off of me.

I pushed her on the floor before grabbing my things and running out of the class.

I sat down in a different hallway .

I heard footsteps coming towards me but took no notice of them.

"You okay?" Someone said as they sat next to me.

I nodded and wiped my face before looking at who it was.

"I'm fine thanks Kian" I said smiling.

He put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"Chloe was talking complete bull shit " He said trying to comfort me.

"No, if I wasn't there he wouldn't have got hurt, it is my fault" I said letting a tear slip.

Kian turned my face towards him and wiped the tear away.

"We have every lesson together today, don't we?" He asked getting up.

I nodded in response,

"good, stay with me, I'll protect you" He said smiling whilst holding out his hand for me to take.

I took it just as the bell went signalling for second period.

We stayed together the whole day, he's a really nice guy.

"Wanna come back to mine and chill?" Kian asked as we were walking out of school.

"Sure, but just as friends" I said.

"Of course" he said smiling .


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