Chapter 33

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*Alana pov*

*The next day after school*

At school the only person I chose to talk to was Levi.

At lunch he introduced me to some of his friends, a girl named Jen, another girl named Sacha , a boy names Ethan and a boy names Daniel.

We're all walking to Levi's house now.

Everyone is infront of me because I walk slow because of my crutches.

Jen sees me and waits.

"Thanks" I say as she walks at my speed.

"It's cool" She says smiling.

We get to quite a big house with a black front door.

Levi rings the door bell and a lady comes out, she has brown hair and quite pale skin, I'm guess it's his mum.

She lets us all in and we go up the stairs.

We go into a medium sized room with football posters everywhere, I'm guess it's Levis room.

We talk for a while until we decide to play truth or dare.

"Alana, truth or dare" Levi says smiling.

"ummm, truth" 

"What is  your 100% honest opinion on hayes" Levi said.

"Okay, he's hot, but a dickhead" I said smiling.

Everyone laughed and we carried on with the game.

"Levi , truth or dare" Daniel said.

"Dare" Levi said rubbing her hands together.

"I dare you to kiss Alana" 

Before I could say no his lips met mine,

We kissed for a good 30 seconds, acting as if no one was there.

When we pulled apart we smiled at eachother, everyones mouths where wide open.

We played a few more rounds until I had to go.

"I'll walk with you, we're going the same way anyway" Jess said.

She walked me home and we said goodbye.

I walked up to my bedroom and there was a note on my bed.

"Alana, we have had to La because your grandfather has had a heart attack, we would've called you but we didn't get a chance. Daisy is at the Grier's, you two will be staying with them until we get back, No need to pack your bags because you can do that tomorrow, Nash will be coming by at 6 to get you, love from mum & stuart"

My heart stopped.

Not just because my grandpa had a heart attack but because I was staying with the Grier's.

I checked my phone as the door bell went off.

I went downstairs and it was Nash.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened" He said.

"It's ok, come in, I'll pack a bag for tonight, I'll be 5 minutes" i said before going upstairs.

I packed jeans, a top , a hoodie , pyjamas , underwear , pads&tampons lmao , hair stuff and just everything I needed.

I threw my bag downstairs because I couldn't carry it with crutches.

I put my phone in my back pocket and went downstairs.

Nash came out and picked up my bag.

I locked the house and we went to the Griers.

When we walked in everyone was silent, untill Daisy and Skylyn came running up to me.

"hey girlies" I said.

They both just ran past me and carried on with their game.

"You're staying in the spare room, I'll put your stuff in there" Nash said leading me upstairs.

He put my stuff on the bed and then left.

i sat down for a while until I decided to actually talk to Hayes.

Elizabeth had gone to the shops so it was just me, Nash , Hayes and the girls in the house.

I knocked on his door before going in.

"come in" He said , probably thinking it was Nash or someone.

"Hi" I said, he turned and just looked at me.

"What do you want"

"I wanted to talk to you"  I said going and sitting next to him on his bed.

"wait, I need to say something first"

"go ahead"

"look, you're gonna be staying here for a while so I thought I'd clear the air. I'm really sorry about your eye, I meant to hit Nash not you, and I'm sorry about everything. about sticking up for Chloe, About leading you on . About being the reason you get hurt all the time. I really am  sorry and I just want us to be okay again." He said looking me straight in the eyes.

"I just wanna forget everything" I said.

He nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"We're just friends" I said to him

"Yeah, I know"

"How's you and Chloe"

"Well, she hasnt talked to me since the party so I'm not sure, I'm going on tour in 2 weeks for 3 months so I bet we'll break up" he said.

"oh, well she texted me" I said looking down.

"What did she say?"

"Oh, um, nothing" I said not wanting him to get mad.

He grabbed my phone and ran into the bathroom.

He knew my code, it was the date of the day we met, his was the same but he probably changed it.

"Hayes" I said banging on the door.

He unlocked the door and came out, he looked shocked.

"She told you to cut and kill yourself, why didnt you tell me!"

"you were pissed at me! It wasn't gonna change anything, I wasn't gonna actually do it!" I said in defence.

He pulled me into a hug. Most people would cry and things like that but I really didn't care, I'm not gonna stoop that low.

"please don't tell her I showed you" I begged.

"i wont, but I'm gonna call her"

He got his phone out and dialed her number.

She answered and he put it on speaker.

"Hey baby" She said.

"oh hi"

"whyd you call?"

"Oh I just wanted to say, your ex boyfriend is a really nice guy!" Hayes said.

"Who, Levi , James , Kaleb , John , Louis , Lewis , Jayden , Woody , Evan ,  Joseph , Kai , Lucas....." and she went on listing at least 50 boys names.

"Ummmmm, no me?" Hayes said as a question.

"haha silly, you're not my ex" She said laughing.

"Well I am now"

"what? You cant dumb me twice! I will ruin you!"

"Go ahead." hayes said and he hung up.

I high fived him just as Elizabeth came back.

She came back with in and out so we all went down and ate.

Maybe staying with the Grier's wont be bad after all.

A/N I'm being so active I'm so proud of myself.

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