Chapter 25

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*Alana pov*

"Mom, I'm home. " Kian said as we walked through the door.

His house was very modern, it was mostly white. I personally like it.

"Oh hi hunny, you brought a friend?" A lady who I assume to be his mum said raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"Yeah, this is Alana and we're going upstairs bye" He said as he started to walk up the white stairs.

"Nice to meet you ma'am" I said shaking her hand,

"You too" She said smiling as I walked up the stairs following Kian.

As I walked into his room I was hit by the smell of after shave.

He had football posters everywhere and a huge bed.

I said down on the bean bag which was in one of the corners.

"Nice room" I said.


"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Well, we could play video games if you're down for that" He said raising an eyebrow.

"YES!!" I screamed jumping up and sitting on the bed next to me.

"You can have the black controller and I'll have the blue one" Kian said throwing me the black one.

"oh" I said looking down and fiddling with it.

"Whats up?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Nothing, it's just that Hayes has the exact same controllers and gave me the exact same one when I first properly met him" I said smiling at the memory.

"We could swap if you want?" 

"It's fine"

We played for about an hour and a half until his mum burst in.

"There is pizza and other foods on the table, help yourself" She said smiling.

"Thanks mom" Kian huffed before getting up and following her out the door.

I also followed them and they led me downstairs.

The table was full of loads of food, I could tell my eyes lit up.

"Help yourself " Kian said digging into the food.

I took a plate, I put 2 pieces of pizza, chips and chicken nuggets on my plate.

I would've put alot more but I didn't wanna seem fat.

We ate and talked for a while until we were finished.

"I should get going, I told Hayes I would go see him tonight at 6 and it's 5 now" I said picking up my bag and putting my shoes on.

"I'll get my mom to drive you"

"It's fine, honestly"

"Nope she's driving you" I just sighed and sat down.

Kian went into the kitchen and came back out with his mum.

We walked out of the house and got into his bmw.

"Thankyou for the food and driving me" I said as I opened the car door to get out.

"Anytime hun" Kians mum said smiling.

"See you tomorrow Alana!" Kian said as I got out, I nodded and shut the door.

I walked into my house and chucked all my things on the floor.

"You're home!" My mum said as she approached me.

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