Chapter 21

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*Alana pov*

Hayes walks in, followed by Chloe.

I stand up and sit next to Cameron, who then puts his arm around me.

Hayes sits opposite to me, next to Shawn, Chloe obviously follows him.

We all talked for a while until Hayes got up and walked into the bathroom.

Chloe got up and followed him like a lost puppy.

As they walk back to us Cameron drags Hayes outside.

All I can hear is muffled voices coming from out side the door.

"Chloe get up, we're going" Hayes says as he barges in.

"I wanna stay abit longer." She says smiling at him.

"No we're going now!" Hayes says raising his voice.

Chloe shoots up and follows Hayes out the door.

"what did you say" I say to Cameron as he walks over to me.

"I just had to put him in his place, I'm not gonna let him hurt you"

"Thanks, I'm tired so I'm gonna go to my room." I said whilst getting up.

"Want me to come?" Cameron asks.

"No, I'll be fine"

I walk to my room in silence.

I get my keycard out and slide it into the door.

I was greeted by Hayes.

"Why are you here?" I ask in an annoyed manner.

"I need to talk to you"

"Well you can talk, I don't promise I'll listen" I say as I walk into the bathroom and slam the door.

"You're so hard to talk to" He says dropping onto the bed.

I immediately come out of the bathroom and look at him.

"Oh, I wonder why I'm so hard to talk to. Maybe it's because I don't wanna talk to you. Or I don't want to listen to anymore pathetic excuses. You cheated on me Hayes! And that hurts" I say letting a tear drop.

"What? When did I cheat on you, I went to a restaurant and bumped into her, I then decided to bring her to the hotel because she's my friend, and yours. It's not as if I kissed her!"

"Hayes! I saw you myself, and so did Louise. You kissed her. You ate her fucking face off. And no way in hell would she ever be my friend. I'd rather pull every single hair out of my body than call her my friend" I say yelling.

"alan-" I cut him off

"Get out" I say as I throw the promise ring at him.

He quickly gets up and runs out of the room. I can tell he's upset, but he cheated on me, and then lied about cheating on me.

I lay on my bed, crying softly to myself before falling asleep.


I woke up later that night.

I sat up and looked out the window, it was still dark.

There was no way I was going back to sleep.

I checked my phone and saw it was 3am.

I got up, grabbed my phone and room key and walked out the door.

I started walking to Camerons room but then didn't want to wake him.

I walked around to the diner, because they have 24 hour food there.

I got a plate of food and sat down.

After I was done I sat there on my phone, I scrolled through twitter and saw that Hayes had tweeted.

"I always throw away the things that are precious to me."

"Probably about him breaking up with Chloe." I whispered out loud.

I got up and started walking for Jack g's room to knock for Louise.

I knocked on the door and was met by dreamy blue eyes.

I forgot Hayes was in this room, but Louise had stayed here and I needed to talk to her.

" I need to talk to Louise" I said.

"She got up and went to your room about 30 minutes ago, she said you always wake up and cant sleep without someone there and she didnt want you to worry"

"Ok" I said before turning around and walking off.

"Alana" Hayes said running after me.

I kept on walking, ignoring him calling after me.

He grabbed my shoulder and made me face him.

"Look, I know what it feels to get cheated on. But I didn't cheat on you! Look, Chloe is very clingy. She came to the meet and greet and then told me she needed to tell me something important so I went with her. She kissed me, I didn't want her to. Yes I kissed back but I felt nothing. With you a feel a whole load of fire works go off in my stomach. I only went to the restaurant with her because I was begging her not to tell you, and her coming to the hotel. She said she would tell you if she didn't get to meet the rest of the boys. Alana I'm sorry. I truly am. I know I'm only 14 but I love you.I've never felt this way about anyone. And I don't want us to end. I understand if you do, but I wont let you go that easy." Once he finished talking her got out the promise ring and put it on my finger.

I didn't say anything, I just pulled him into a hug.

"Please never do anything like that again" I said into his neck.

"Of course I wont"

We both walked back to my room, Louise wasn't there so she must've gone back to Jacks room.

We got into bed and just lay there staring at eachother.

"I'm so lucky" He said.


"Because I met you" He said as he brushed a piece of my hair out of my face.

A/N Guysssss Im sorry about updating so much/little. I don't want to update too much because the book will finish quicker but I don't want to update too little so idk. ly

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