Chapter 13

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*Alana pov*

I couldn't believe it.

In the box was two tickets.

It said on it 'Flight to Los Angeles'.

There was a piece of paper on it which said, ' To Alana, I hope you wanna come to LA MAGCON with me! We will leave on January 3rd, You can also visit family whilst you're there. I hope you like the rest of the presents too!'

Also in the box was a necklace and a promise ring.

A tear fled my eye as I hugged Hayes as tight as possible.

'This must've cost loads!' I  said into his neck.

' Don't worry about it' he replied.

I got up and ran to get his present.

I had got him tickets to a football game, trainers and clothes.

He hugged me in thanks and we opened the rest of the presents before going back upstairs.

"You really didn't have to do that" I said hitting him playfully.

"I did, it's a sorry for the Chloe thing"

"You don't have to say sorry"

"I do." He said before puling me next to him on the bed.

We both just lay there for a while until I put a Christmas movie on.

We watched movies until it was time for him to go.

I fell asleep, remember it was christmas tomorrow.

A/N I'm sorry for the really short chapter I was busy today. I still wanted to write for you guys so I did. 

The move ≫ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now