Chapter 22

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*Alana pov*

Today is the last day of Magcon but I'm not going.

Instead I'm going to visit my family since I'm in LA.

I got up and took a shower.

When I got out Hayes walked into the room, luckily I had my towel around me.

"Oh sorry, I just came to tell you that we're leaving now, have a good day!" 

"Thanks" I said hugging him before he exited the room.

I got dressed into dark denim jean shorts, a white tank top and an adidas jumper that had a blue pattern on it and 'Adidas' written on it. I wore my white air force ones and waited for the cab to come.

I got a call from the cab man and started walking downstairs.

I got into the cab and drove to my granpa's house.

Around 30 minutes later we arrived at a familiar bungalow.

I ran to the front door and pressed the bell.

My grandpa came out and induced me into a huge hug.

"I've missed you" He said pulling away

"So have I!" Said Colleen, his wife who had just come from the kitchen.

"I've missed you both too" I said entering the house.

It was quite big for a bungalow, it had 3 bedrooms but the smallest one was made into an office. It had 2 bathrooms, a massive living room , a huge kitchen with a joint on dining room , a big garage and a massive garden!

We all went into the kitchen and sat at the counter.

Colleen brought out a massive breakfast with a variety of foods, it was only 9am .

I grabbed a plate and ate as if I hadn't eaten in days, which really wasn't true.

when we were finished we went into the living room, there was a pile of money.

"You're going shopping today, here is $300, spend as much of it as you want, we're not going with you though!" My grandpa said.

"Thankyou! Who's going with me then?" I asked concerned.

As I said that Connor came from around the corner.

"Me" He said winking. My jaw dropped.

Connor is my grandpa's neighbour, when I was about 11 we came here for the whole summer, he was basically my ' summer love ' , I couldn't believe he was here.

"CONNOR!" I shouted as I ran up and hugged him, wrapping my legs around his waste.

"ALANA" He said mocking me.

We talked for a while until we decided to leave.

We decided to penny board to the outlet mall because it wasn't far. I grabbed my purse, put the money in , put it in my bag along with my phone , room key etc , picked up my penny board and left.

We rode there , laughing about memories the whole way.

We got there and decided to go into the Pac sun shop first as it was the first one there.

We walked in and I saw so much I liked, I asked for connors advice on a few things when I tried them on and he was actually so much help , more help than Hayes.

HAYES! I forgot to call him!

I promised him I would call him at 11 because that's when they get a break, it was now 11:10.

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