Chapter 3

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* Alana pov*

It has been about a month  since I told Lucy I was moving. She took it hard as did I. We were both crying but we've basically been together everyday since. And she promised me she'd always visit.

We are leaving for North Carolina on Friday. Today is Wednesday. I like to be organized so I already packed my bags and everything, we're getting all new furniture out there. When we get there my new school Davidson Days has two weeks left and then they break up for Christmas. My mum decided that I won't go until after the Holidays. Just so i can settle into the house and neighbourhood before I go to a new school. I'm gonna be 100% honest, I'm sooo scared. To move to a new country and a new school. What if i make no friends?!? What if everyone hates me and I'm just an outcast. Okay it might not be that bad. I just have to wait and see.

*Hayes pov*

I can't wait until Christmas. It's going to be amazing. Only two weeks left of school! 

There's a new family moving on my street. I think they're moving into the house right opposite mine! I don't know if they have kids or not but i hope they do. I could really use a friend that lives right next to me! How cool would that be.

Apparently the person that moves to my school is in the grade bellow me. That sucks, but i guess it might work?

A/N I'm sorry its so short! It's just that I've had a good idea for the next chapter.

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