Chapter 18

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*Alana pov*

*Next day*

I just got home and sat down on my bed.

I played on my phone for a while until Lucy facetimed me.

"Heyyyyy" I say to here whilst waving.

"Hi! We havent spoken in ages! Why havent you called? How's school? How's everyone? Any boys? Hows Daisy?I love you! Everyone misses you!" She says all at once with no breathes inbetween.

"I know! I havent had a chance. Good . Good . Maybe. Good. I love you too. I miss them too! " I say answering her questions all in the order she asked them.

We talked about school for a while until I decided to pack.

Jacob was going home tomorrow and I was going to magcon!

As I get up I go into my wardrobe and get my suitcase.

I fill it with 5 tops , 3 jeans , 2 leggings , 2 dresses , 3 bikinis , shoes , underwear , makeup and everything I need.

We are staying there for 1 week and a half so I need quite alot.

I zip up my suitcase and go into the bathroom.

I have a shower and wash my hair because I know I wont have time in the morning.

I leave my hair down, put pyjammas on and go to bed.

* The next morning *

I woke up and walked into the bathroom.

I grab my hairbrush and tie my hair into two french plaits, as I always do when I go on a plane.

I put on some mascara and conceler to make me look awake and walk into my wardrobe.

I wear leggings, a tank top and one of Hayes' hoodies I stole ages ago.

I put on my converse and took my suitcase downstairs.

Jacob had slept round last night so we could drop him at the airport because his flight is the same time as ours.

I ran back upstairs and burst into his room, he was still asleep.

I jump on his bed and he finally wakes up.

"Oh what a lovely good morning from my lovely sister" He says sarcastically.

"Get up or we'll be late !" I scream at him before running out.

About 15 minutes later he comes into my room and sits on the bed next to me.

"Im going to miss you " he says faced away from me.

"I'll miss you too" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck from behind.

He holds onto my hands and squeezes them.

"I wish we lived together, and dad wasn't such an idiot"

"Well, if dad wasn't an idiot one of us wouldn't be here, so we should be thanking him" I said as I snaked my way to sit next to him.

We stay there for a while until my mum calls us downstairs saying we need to go.

We hop into her car and drive to the airport.

For the whole ride I listen to Ed Sheerens album .

We get there and the car jolts to a stop.

Me and Jacob jump out of the car, my mum walks us to security and we say goodbye to her.

Tears fill my eyes, I've never really been away from her.

Me and Jacob stay together because neither of our flights are until another hour.

We look around for Hayes until we finally find him, he's with Nash , two other boys and a girl.

"Hey Alana, this is Jack g, Jack j and Louise Jack g's girlfriend" He says pointing the the boy with dark brown/black hair and brown eyes , then the boy with blonde hair and then a girl with light brown hair with blonde highlights.

"Nice to meet yall" I say.

Everyone laughs at my attempt to be southern and I join in.

Whilt we wait for out flight all the boys talk, I talk to Louise most of the time.

She seems really nice, and is perfect for Jack.

Our flight finally gets called and we have to say goodbye to Jacob.

"I'll miss you so much" I say into the crook of his neck.


"Always visit, so will I" 

"Of course" he says before letting go and walking away.

A tear leaves my eye as we walk to the gate.

"It'll be fine" Hayes says as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

I just stay silent until we get on the plane.

We choose our seets :

Me,Hayes and Nash. I got window seat of course. Then infront of us was Jack J , Jack G and Louise.

I was asleep the whole flight, and when I woke up I was in a MUCH better mood.

A/N I know it's kinda rubbish but oh well.

I added the first girlfriend but guys I need more! Otherwise I'll just have to make them up.

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