Chapter 39

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Before I start this chapter I just wanna tell you about this really good fanfic.

It's called Our Gap Year (A Magcon Fanfic) .

It's really good and it's about two girls that move to America for a year and meet magcon.

I don't wanna give it away so just go read it!!

*Alana pov*

2 weeks later...

Recently I've been with Levi alot and I haven't thought about Hayes once, well until now ha.

Today we're going to the town fair, they come like once a year and since I've never been to one Levi said he'd take.

I got up and got dressed.

I put on black leggings and a silk like t-shirt with a pocket on, it was a royal blue colour and came just above my butt.

I went into the bathroom, straightened my hair , put mascara on and then put my converse on.

I grabbed my phone and $20 and left.

I walked down the road when a boy came running around the corner and into me.

"Watch where you're going" i said as I got my balance again.

"I'm sorry" He said handing me my phone.

"oh, Hayes, you're back." I said as I looked at him.

"Yup, the tour got cancelled and moved to after summer because they said we were taking too much time off of school" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh ok, well I gotta go" I said before running away.

He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"please hang out with me. I'm really sorry about before, I missed you so much"

"Sorry, I'm meeting Levi, bye" I said before turning around again.

"Levi? He's a dick, only break your heart" Hayes called after me.

"No better than you then" I said as I carried on walking.

 I got to the fair and texted Levi.

Me: Where are you, I'm here xxx

Levi : Come to the Ferris wheel!

I walked over to the Ferris wheel and saw him waited in line.

I joined him and he embraced me in a hug.

"I have a surprise" He winked.

"I can't wait" I said smiling.

We were first in the que so we got onto a seat.

It was one of those ferris wheel where you're in your own little compartment thing and there are seats either side if you know what I mean, not the ones with just the seat.

This one had walls and stuff but it was all make from glass, it was freaky.

We were talking and laughing, taking pictures of the view when the Ferris wheel stopped.

"We will have the wheel working again shortly" One of the workers said into the microphone.

"I hate heights " i said moving closer to Levi.

"it's okay baby, I got you" He said putting his arm around me.

About 20 minutes later the man told us that the ride will be fixed in an hour, great.

"I need to ask you something" Levi said to me.

"sure, go ahead"

"Look, we've been talking for a while and I've honestly liked you for ages, I wanted to know if you'll be my girlfriend" He said holding out a necklace with the letters L and A on it, for Levi and Alana.

I hugged him, I didn't say anything I just hugged him.

"is that a yes?" he laughed.

I nodded into his neck.

When we pulled out of the hug he smashed his lips onto mine.

We kissed for about 2 minutes until we felt the ride moving again.

It went round once and then froze....Again.

"For god sake" I muttered.

2 hours later...

"The fire brigade are coming to get you all down!" The worker shouted.

"I'm cold" I said rubbing my arms.

Levi immediately took his hoodie off and gave it to me.

"You'll be cold" I said trying to hand it back to him but he refused.

I put it on and hugged him.

I checked the time on my phone and it said 8pm. I was meant to be home by now.

I went into the text message app to text my mum when my phone died.

"my phone's dead" I told Levi.

"Use mine" He said handing it to me.

"Thanks" I said as I took it. I went into the text message app and froze.

"I don't know my mums number" I laughed.

"I have Hayes' moms, maybe she could tell your mom?" He said.

"Yeah, good idea, why do you have Elizabeths number?" I asked.

"me and hayes were best friend soooooo yano"

"oh cool" I said before going and texting her.

I instantly got a reply which said : Of course! Have fun and be safe xx.

45 minutes later....

The fire truck came and helped us down.

I went down the ladder first and then Levi.

" I had a good time" I said as we started walking home.

"Me too" He said as we stopped infront of my door.

"Please come and stay, my parents are at the Griers and wont be home too late and they leave early in the morning" I said.

"Fine" He winked.

I opened the door and we walked in.

We went into my room and layed on the bed facing eachother.

"i really am lucky to have you " Levi said as he brushed a piece of my hair back.

I felt my face turn bright red.

I couldn't resist, I kissed him.

He came on top of me and I wrapped my legs around him.

We were kissing for about 1 minute until I felt his hand slide under my top.

He grabbed my boob but I carried on kissing him.

He tried to take my bra off but I stopped him.

We carried on kissing until we stopped for breath.

We both just lay there until we fell asleep.



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