Chapter 34

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* I'm using my iPad bc I'm too lazy to get my laptop *
*alana pov 1 week later*
Today my parents are coming back.
Staying with the griers has been cool and all but I miss my house.
At school Chloe has been avoiding everyone, maybe all of her boyfriends dumped her.
Nash picked me and Hayes up from school. ( it's a Tuesday today )
As soon as we got out I saw my parents car in our drive.
I walked as quick as I could to the door and rung the doorbell .
My mum answerd and I hugged her.
" how's grandad " I asked.
" he's a lot better than before, I already got your stuff from the griers so go sort it out !" She said too enthusiasticly.
I went upstairs and sorted out my things.
Once I was finished I checked my phone, hayes texted me.
Hayes :Hey come round ! I'm bored.
Me : okay I'll be 5 minutes.
I changed out of what I wore to school and put on a white and grey baseball top and grey jack wills jogging bottems.
" mum I'm going to Hayes' house" I said as I walked into the kitchen, where she was.
" okay , go have fun, be back before dinner though!" She said before I left.
I walked over to the house and knocked on the door.
Nash opened it for me.
" hey Alana?" Nash said confused .
" Hayes asked me to come round "
" You just missed him."
"Oh,where'd he go?"
" well my mom asked him to go to the shop, you can come in and wait if you want. I need your help anyway!
We walked inside and up to Nash's room.
"I'm gonna film a q&a , could you read some questions to me? Like 10 question ."
Nash set up the camera and sat down in the chair, I stayed behind the camera.
"hey guys, today I'm filming a q&a, my lovely assistant Alana is going to read some questions you guys asked to me!" He made me get into shot even though I refused but I gave in .
I found a question that was good.
" if you had to suck one if everyone's toes in America to end World hunger , would you?" I said.
" I don't know, maybe , but not everyone in America is clean and I'd probably die. But it'd save so many peoples lives "
" Who is your closest girl friend, as in friend that's a girl"
" I'd say Alana " he said hugging me.
I asked him like 8 more questions before he wrapped up the video.
" thank you guys for watching, don't forget to like and subscribe ! All of my social media links will be down below and so will Alana's , don't forget to subscribe to Alana's channel" he Said before turning the camera off.
" I don't have a channel ?"
" you do, I fount it " he said smirking.
" what? I thought I blocked everyone I knew!"
" I just logged out and searched it, you're an amazing singer, you should post more!" Nash said.
Luckily hayes came up and saved me from this conversation .
" nope " I said before running to hayes' room.
" heyyyyyyy, you were gone for agesssss" I said lying on his bed.
" uh yeah , I uh had to go to the shop"
" okay"
" here , I want you to have it . Even if we're just friends " he said and he handed me the promise ring.
" I can't , give it to someone you care about , your next girlfriend " I said.
" I am " he said smiling
I just giggled and took the ring.
" I'm going on Sunday , you won't see my amazing face for 3 months " he said looking down.
" such a shame " I said sarcastically.
He hugged me and I felt something wet on my shoulder.
" are you crying ?" I said pulling away and looking at his face.
"'Im gonna miss you " he said.
I just laughed and pulled him back into a hug.

A/N I might start doing a thing where I don't post unless I get a certain amount if reads or votes or comments.

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