Chapter 29

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*Alana pov* Monday..

I woke up and checked my phone as I always do .

I got on my crutches and tried to get down stairs, I actually managed it!

I walk into the kitchen and go to the fridge.

No one else is home so I can eat whatever without getting told off.

I sat down on the sofa and put sponge bob on.

I watched for a while until the doorbell went off.

I got up with my crutches and managed to open it without loosing my balance.

"GUYSSS! " I screamed as I saw all of Magcon at the door, Nash , Cameron , Carter , Matt , Shawn , Taylor , Aaran , Jack j , Jack g And Mahogany!

They all came in and gave me a group hug.

"How comes you're here" I ask confused.

"We all missed you, and wanted to see if you were okay!" Matt says before walking into the kitchen and getting food.

We all go and sit in the basement with food and drinks. We decide to watch Pitch Perfect.

We get up to the 'riff off' when the door bell went.

"I'll get it, it's probably my mum" i said before getting up.

"I'll come" Mahogany says as she helps me up the stairs.

She opens the door and I don't see who it is.

"It's for you" she whispers in my ear before leaving.

I go to the door and see Hayes.

"What" I say.

"Um, oh, never mind , I'll go , this was stupid" He says before turning and walking away,

"Ughh, Hayes wait. Come and watch a movie with us" I say as he turns around with a huge smile on his face.

I go downstairs before him and he follows.

We sit down and everyone ignores us, as if it was planned.

It starts to get late so everyone leaves, except for Hayes.

We stay in the basement and talk.

"I'm sorry, for everything,  I don't want you to hate me, can we just start again, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" He says staring right into my eyes.

"I'm sorry too, but I wanna start again but not forget about all out memories" I say,

"Sure, I'm Hayes, and you are?" He says smiling,

"This is dumb, lets just go back to normal " I say smiling,

"deal" He says before leaning in and kissing me.

I lie on the sofa and he goes on top, making sure not to be near my leg.

He passionately kisses me until we hear the front door open.

We instantly break apart and sit up.

"ALANAAAAAAAAAA IM HOME" Daisy shouts from upstairs,

"IM IN THE BASEMENT" I tell her,

She instantly comes running down.

"HAYESS!" She screams before running into his arms and giving him a huge hug.

"Hayes! You're here!" My mum says as she comes and hugs him too.

"We missed you" Daisy says,

"I missed you all too" He replies.

My mum takes Alana back upstairs and we follow, going into the kitchen.

"Wanna bake cupcakes?" I ask.


We get all the ingredients and lay them on the counter.

"WAIT!" Hayes shouts.

"What" I ask

"Can we make a video of it, I'll run and get my camera now"

"Sure" I laugh and he runs off.

2 minutes later he comes back with his camera and tri pod.

He sets it up and we start the video,

"Hi, It's me Hayes and I'm with my..." Hayes starts

"Best friend Alana" I say hugging him around the neck and smiling at the camera.

"and today we are gonna back cupcakes"  He says.

We start making them, telling the camera what we're doing as we do it.

As we're putting the mixture into cup cake cases Hayes puts it on my nose.

"Hayes!" I shout before getting a spoonfull and plopping it on his head.

"I'm gonna get you for that" He says smirking and putting some in my hair and rubbing it in.

We finish the video and put the cakes in the oven.

After that we go into the bathroom to clear up.

"You got a bit on your lip" Hayes says as he looks at me.

He reaches for my face and wipes the mixture off of my lip.

He then leans in and kisses me.

A small kiss, but it meant something.

We walk back down stairs and tidy up the kitchen.

"I should go edit the video" Hayes says back in my room.

"Please stay" I say as I lay on his chest.

"Fine but not for long" He says playing with my hair.

We just lay there for a while, until I fall asleep in his arms.

A/N Guys plot twist,

I'm proud of myself, I've been updating loads recently.

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