Chapter 31

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*1 week later*

*Alana pov*

It's been a week and Hayes hasn't texted or called.

Today the Grier's are having a party because Nash and Hayes are going on a magcon tour for 3 months and we won't see them.

I decided to get ready because it's 12 now and the party starts at 2.

I slept with curlers in my hair so I wouldn't have to spend ages on it in the morning.

I took a quick shower, making sure not to get my hair and leg wet.

I put on a green dress that kind of had a top that hung over the skirt.

It's hard to explain so here's the link to it :

I also wore a big chunky gold necklace so it wasn't too plain.

I put on skin colour socks that were tight material and Black Timerblands on my foot that wasn't broken.

For makeup I put a bit of bb cream, pink eye shadow on my whole eye lid and a maroony colour in the corner so it was kinda smokey , I put a cat eyeliner , maroon ish lipstick , mascara and a bit of blusher.

it's quite alot but I was having a bad face day.

After I got done with my makeup I took my hair out.

It formed really nice curls, kind of like Mahogonys but shorter and not as big.

I pulled the curls apart so there would be more.

I hair sprayed my hair , got my phone and went downstairs.

Everyone was ready and waiting for me.

"Take your time" Stuart joked.

"I didn't take that long!" I said looking at my phone and realizing it was already 1:50.

We walked across the road to the Griers house.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by Nash and Skylyn.

"Hey Guys! Come in" Nash said moving out of the way so we could walk through.

I walked in first and went into the kitchen, where Elizabeth was.

"Hey Elizabeth" I said as I gave her a hug.

"Hello sweetie" She said before going and saying hi to my parents and other people.

I went to Nash's room because I didn't really have anything to do and there was no way I was going to Hayes.

Emily was in there on her phone.

"Hey Emily" I said before sitting on the bed with her.

"Heyyyyyy" She said.

"Do you know who's coming?" I asked.

"Well, a few people from your school are coming, but I've got the vibe that you don't like them" She said raising an eyebrow.

"oh, yeah" I said looking down and playing with my fingers.

"What's happening with you and Hayes" She asked.

"I don't even know, we made up, he kissed me , twice , and then a couple of days later he's with Chloe, again. I just can't be bothered with him anymore" .

"Well, you need to talk to him. And Nash just texted me. Everyone's downstairs and asking for us, lets go!" She said before getting up and I followed her.

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