Chapter 26

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*Camerons pov oooooo *

I looked down at my phone and i had 10 missed calls from Hayes and Nash.

I decided to call Nash back because it seemed urgent.

"Hey" Nash said in a sad voice

(c = Cameron n = nash)

c: Whats up?

N: It's Alana

C: What happened?

N: She... she

C: Spit it out

N: She was hit by a car.


N: She's in a coma, they're scared she wont wake up.

I hung up the phone and threw it across the room.

I got up and paced back a forth before punching a wall which caused my hand to bleed and swell up.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my phone which had a new crack in it and got into my car.

I drove to the hospital as quick as possible.

I parked the car and jumped out.

I ran up to the front desk.

"I'm... here for Alana Davidson" I said out of breath to the lady.

"Sorry, only family members may visit"

"I'm her brother!" I said.

She pointed to the room and I sprinted to it.

I quietly opened the door and saw Alana's lifless body lying there.

A tear left my eye.

I burst out crying , I walked over to her side and held her hand.

Nash came up behind me and rubbed my back.

"She'll be okay, she's strong" He said.

"Yeah well what if she's not!"

"She will trust me."

"What even happened anyway"

"Well Hayes said they had a massive argument and Alana ran out and wasn't looking and a car just hit her, called an ambulence and drove away"

"Did he see who done it" I asked.

"A man who had brownish hair, apparently he couldnt really see through the tears"

"It's all Hayes' fault!" I shouted.

"C'mon man, he didn't mean to " 

*Alana pov*

"It's all Hayes' fault!" someone who I think was Cameron shouted.

"C'mon man, he didn't mean to" Nash said after.

It was all Hayes' fault.

If he didn't react like that I wouldn't have ran out and got hit.

I tried to open my eyes but it wouldn't work.

I was trapped in my body and couldn't control it.

I could hear everything, before Cameron came Hayes was in here talking about how he's sorry. I'm never going to forgive him, I've given him to many chances.

I tried to move my hand, I don't think it worked.

"Bro, did you see that" Nash said.

"SHE MOVED HER HAND" Cameron shouted with joy causing my to flinch.

I tried opening my eyes once again, it didn't work.

I kept on trying and trying but it was no use.

"Why wont she just wake up" Cameron said.

My eyes flickerd open without me even trying this time.

The light burnt them causing me to flinch.

I opened them once again and let them adjust to the light.

I tried to sit up but instantly felt dizzy.

"Hi " I said weakly to Cameron who was the only other person in the room.


I just giggled and he ran out of the door.

He came back in with a doctor and my mum, Hayes ew , Nash , and Daisy.

"Hey Daisy!" I said trying to sound cheery and not lifeless, which kinda failed.

She smiled" alana I missed you" She said frowining,

" I missed you too" I said before a doctor came and injected something into my arm, causing everything to fall black once again.

What felt like 3 hours later I woke up in a room with beeping machines.

A doctor immediatly rushed to my side.

"Ah, Alana, we need to ask you a few questions" he said.

"Go ahead"

"Do you have any pains?"

"Um, in my leg the most, like really badly, other than that just a headache and other aches from bruising."

"Do you remember everything, what's your name?, Who's the president? What year is it?"

"Alana Davidson, Obama, 2014" I said smiling.

"Marvelous, you are making a miraculous recorvery, you sure are strong" He said .

"I'm just gonna x-ray your leg, it may be broken, once we've sorted all that you can be visited. We want to keep you in for about a week just to run tests and be sure." He smiled before helping me into a wheel chair and pushing me to the x-ray room.

They scanned my leg and it turned out the be broken in 2 places.

They put a bright blue cast on and gave me cruches but said I would have to use a wheelchair for the first week.

They wheeled me back into my room and everyone was there.

I was greeted my smiled across everyones faces.

"Hey cripple" Nash said as he helped me onto my bed.

I playfully hit him and he dramatically acted as if he got shot.

Everyone seemed so happy and cheery but I couldn't help but notice the one negative attitude in the room, Hayes.

"Guys, can we have a minute alone?" Hayes asked.

Everyone nodded and left.

"Hey" He said coming and sitting on the chair next to me.

I turned away from him, I was in no talking mood.

"I feel like this is all my fault" He said.

"Well nawh" I announced sarcastically.

"Look, I'm sorry, I freaked out, I guess I still have strong feelings for Chloe, but I have even stronger ones for you"

"Well you obviously have more for Chloe as you stuck up for her even though she was in the wrong!" I said raising my voice.

"I'm sorry" He whisperd

"Tell everyone to come back in" I demanded.

"What are we?"

"What are we? We are abseloutly nothing but neighbours who depise eachother, I can never forgive you, you've had too many chances " I said 

He got up and walked out of the door, everyone else came back in except for him.

No one asked what had happened, they just tried to cheer me up.

This is gonna be one long week.

A/N Guysss I feel so sick.

I hate winter I always get a cold.

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