Chapter 38

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*Alana's pov*

"Where's Hayes?" I said pulling away from the hug we were in.

"umm, he's still in San Francisco" Nash said rubbing the back of his neck and looking away.

"What!! Why?" I screamed.

"He said he didn't want to come back for the week and he'd rather stay and wait for the next show" 

"Who's he with?" I asked as we started to walk out of the airport.

"Carter and a few others wanted to stay there too" Nash said as we got into the car.

The whole drive home Nash was telling us about the tour so far. ( Me and Elizabeth haha )

We got back and I went into the Grier's house to hang out with him.

"NASHTY" Skylyn screamed when she saw him.

"SKY" He said mocking her.

Nash picked Skylyn up and spun here around, it was so cute.

We played with Skylyn for a while until we decided to go upstairs.

"Shall we facetime the boys ?" Nash suggested.

"Sure" I said as he got his ipad out and started ringing Hayes.

"Hey guys!" Nash said, I wasn't in shot so they didn't know I was there.

"Hey dude, hows everyone, Skylyn, Mum , Mrs Davidson, Mr Davidson , Daisy?" Hayes asked but didn't mention me.

"They're all good, but aren't you missing someone special out?" Nash asked.

"oh yeah! Dad! And the dog! And cats!" Hayes said.

"No, someone else"

"kian? no oh um.... Chloe? Hows Chloe? Aw I miss her so much" Hayes said.

"Hi, I exist still yano. And Chloe is good probably, not that I know or care" I said coming into the shot.

Hayes' hands instantly went over his mouth, he obviously regretted asking about Chloe.

"Sorry , I forgot!" Hayes said.

"Save it, bye Nash , bye guys miss you all, except you" I said to Nash, the guys and then Hayes.

 I got my phone and coat and walked across to my house.

 I can't believe he forgot me and not Chloe!!

*1 week later*

"i'm gonna miss you again" I said hugging Nash until he got into the car and drove to the airport. This time I wasn't going because it was really early.

I went up to my room and checked the time. 10 am.

I decided to get dressed. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, put on mascara and then went to my wardrobe.

I wore a flowery loose t-shirt and white high wasted shorts with sandals.

I checked my phone to see a new text.

From Levi :) : Hey Alana, wanna hang out today? Meet me by the froyo at 12?

Me : Sure! See you then.

I put my phone down and decided to make myself look decent since I didn't put much effort into my appearance.

I went into the bathroom and curled my hair but big loose curls.  I also put lipgloss on.

I went into my room and layed on my bed since  I still had 30 minutes.

I looked through my phone for a while until I got a text from Levi saying he was almost there.

Dammit I forgot ! Lucky I live like 5 minutes away if I penny.

I got my phone and penny board and went, after telling my mum obviously.

I got to the place in under 5 minutes, I walked in and saw Levi at a table so I went and joined him.

"hey" He said smiling.

"Hey, sorry I'm late" I said sitting down.

"You're not, I literally just got here, lets go get out froyo" He said before getting up.

He got his, chocolate with oreos , reeces cups and more on , I got strawberry with fruit on top.

We sat down and talked whilst we ate.

I took a picture of me and him with the froyo and put it on instagram.

We got up and he started to walk me home.

"Thanks, this was really fun" I said as we got to my doorstep

"i know, we need to meet more." He said smiling,

"Sooo" I said

"Soooo ha" He said laughing.

"Wait, you and Hayes aren't going out are you?" He asked.

"nope, why?"

"Because I wanted to know if I was alowed to do this" He said before smashing his lips on mine.

He wrapped his arms around my waste and I put my around his cheeks.

We kissed for a while and then stopped for air.

"Wanna come in? No one's home" I asked.

"Sure" He said and followed me inside.

We went into my room and sat on my bed just talking.

"Hayes is missing out" He said before coming closer to me.

"He's not" I said looking down.

"Trust me, he is " He said pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I looked him in the eyes and couldn't help myself.

I pushed my lips onto his and we kissed.

I went onto of him and had my legs either side.

My hands were in his hair and his where on my bum.

I felt his hand trailing up my thigh so I got off.

We just lay there for a while, smiling at eachother.

Wow. Maybe it's time to move on from Hayes.

Actually, I have moved on from hayes.


Sadly I'm gonna have to end this book soon but there might be a sequal! I'll either do a sequal or a Cam fanfic, I'm not sure yet, maybe both!.

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