Chapter 23

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*Alana pov*

I jump out of the limo as soon as it stops.

I sprint to the front desk.

"I'm here to see Hayes Grier" I say to the lady at the counter.

"Sorry, only family can visit" She says.

"I'm his sister, and they're his brother and sisters, big family I know" I say smirking.

"Fine" She says and points the direction of the room. 

She holds everyone back because only two people can go in at a time, me and Nash go first.

I open the door and as soon as I see him I start to cry.

There are so many machines attached to him, he looks so ill.

I go over to the bed and hold his hand, tears still streaming down my face.

Nash comes behind me, I can tell hes trying not to cry.

"Just let it out" I say.


"Just cry, I wont judge"

"No, I have to be strong" He says and sits in the chair.

Just then a doctor walks in.

"Any news?" Nash says standing up.

"Yes, Fortunately he is making a quicker recovery than thought, he should wake up anytime soon, when he wakes up come and find me. We want to keep him in for a couple of days and then he should be free to go, but when he does he needs rest, so he won't be going to school for a few weeks" The doctor says.

"Thanks" And with that he walks out.

Me and Nash talk for a while until we decide we should go and let the others see him.

Nash walks out before me because I said I wanted just one minute alone with him.

As soon as Nash walks out I turn to Hayes.

"Hayes, please wake up, I love you, I was dumb to let you go to the park, If I didn't bring Connor this wouldn't have happened, it's all my fault, if I didn't move to North Carlolina none of this would have happened" I sop into his chest.

"Im glad it did happen" A weak voice says.

"HAYES YOURE AWAKE" I basically shout whilst looking up at him.

Before he could say anything I ran out of the door and got the others, everyone came running in followed my the doctor.

"Guys, I have to take him for some tests, he will be back in about 30 minutes" The doctor says before pushing Hayes' bed out of the room with the help of a nurse.

"What shall we do for 30 minutes" Cameron asks us.

"Lets make loads of vines and snapchat videos" Matt suggested.

We decide to make one for Nash's snapchat first.

"Hey guys, we're at the hospital." Nash says with a sad face.

"DON'T WORRY EVERYONE IS OKAY....I think" Cam shouts 

Everyone just does random stuff for a while.

Hayes was wheeled back into the room and we made videos with him.

We're now waiting for the results.

The doctor walks in and gesture's for us to sit down.

Me, Cam , Nash and Shawn sit on the bed with hayes making sure not to squash him and everyone else sits on the floor, a chair or a person.

"okay, Hayes will have to stay here for 2 nights, and then he is free to go, Luckily the knife didn't hit any nerves or anything so he'll be perfectly fine, he is also make a miraculous recovery" The doctor says.

A sigh of relief leaves everyones mouth.

It was 11pm so we decided to get going. Nash is staying with Hayes so he doesn't get lonely. I love their relationship.

Once we got back to the hotel I went up to my room.

I lay there for over 2 hours, unable to sleep so I decide to go to Camerons room.

I grab my phone and slip on some trainers before I walk there.

I knock on the door, trying to not be too loud but loud enough for Cameron to hear.

Literally 5 seconds after I knock Cameron opens the door.

"Hey lil sis" He says smiling. My jaw dropped, he was topless and only wearing pants. His 6 pack and v line glow in the light from the hallway.

"I uh- " I couldn't get my words out. " I couldn't sleep" I finally say

"Wanna come with me? you can sleep in Nash's bed, I cant really sleep either" He says, 

I follow him into the room and place myself on Nash's bed.

I get into the covers and attempt to fall sleep. This time I drift off straight away. I felt so safe around Cameron, he's the big brother I've always wanted. I mean I have Jacob but that's different.


I feel something wet smack me around my face which wakes me up.

I immediately sit up to see everyone laughing at me.

I had shaving cream all over my face and everyone was recording it.

"Sorry lil sis" Cameron said pulling me into a hug.

I get the shaving cream from my face and put it all over him. 

I quickly run into the bathroom and lock the door before he could get me, I stay in there for a while.

 I wonder why they're being so quiet.

I slowly opened the door to see them all on my phone.

"GUYS GIVE IT!" I shout as I snatch my phone.

I run into my room and shut the door. I was looking through the old pictures my family has before we came to North Carolina and I saw a picture of my dad, so I took a picture of it on my phone and set it as my home screen. I don't really like people seeing it so I guess I kinda freaked out a little too much.

I checked the time to see it was 10am, visiting hours at the hospital are 11-3pm so I decided to get changed and go.

A/N I kinda dont know whats going on with this, I kinda just go with the flow. Oh well I guess it works

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