Chapter 28

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*Hayes pov*

I couldn't get out of bed.

I couldn't bare going to school and seeing everyone.

"Hayes! You're gonna be late, Get up!" Nash said as he walked into my room.

"No, I'm not going anywhere" I said hiding under my covers.

He came and sat on my bed.

"Look, I know it's hard, but you two will make up. You just need to get on with your life for now" He said before getting up and leaving.

I stayed in bed all day.

The only time my mom talked to me was to give  me food, she just let me be.

I decided to get up and go toilet.

When I got back my mom was in the room.

"Come sit, I need to talk to you" She said tapping the spot next to her.

I sat down and waited for her to speak.

"I know it hurts, that Alana feels this way. but it's just an excuse. She got hurt, emotionally and physically. She just doesn't know how to cope. When she gets better you need to talk to her, but for now give her some space. You're acting depressed so I'm letting you have the rest of the week off but on Monday you're going back" She said before kissing me on my for head.

"I love her mom, and she hates me"

"She doesn't hate you" She said before leaving.

*Alana pov*

I just lay there in my hospital bed, bored out of my mind.

The doctor burst in with a huge smile.

"Why do you seem so happy" I said fiddling with my fingers.

"Because I have good news! Oh and bad" He said getting quieter.

"Tell me both " I said looking at him straight in the eye.

"You are free to go on Monday, we done lots of tests and you're fine, except for your leg" He said all cheery.

"YAAAAS. " I shouted and then laughed in unison with him, " Tell me the bad"

"You will need to come into the hospital once a week so we can check your leg, you will have the cast on for 6 weeks but after that we will still have to keep an eye on your leg"

"That's not too bad! Just means you cant get rid of me that easily" I said smirking.

"Oh, and that boy with brown floppy hair and  blue eyes, he was really upset. You should give him another chance" He said before leaving the room.

"Whatever" I muttered under my breath.

I lay there for a little while until my phone went off.

from Hayesboo : I heard you're getting out Monday! I miss you x

Alana : Yeah I am.

All I really wanted to say was :

I miss you too, I was stupid , I wanna forget about the arguments, you hurt me , but I can get over it. I don't wanna face school without you by my side again. I love you.

but I didn't have the guts.

I got out of bed so I could have a 'walk' around the hospital to get my mind off of things.

I got myself off of the bed and decided to take my crutches because I had to get used to them.

I put my phone in the pocket of my hoodie which I had on top of my lounging clothes because I no longer needed to use the hospital ones.

I steadied my self and ended up using them naturally.

I walked around until I got to a vending machine by the diner.

I got out $1 that I had in my phone case.

I got a packet of cheetos and then walked back to my room.

I sat on my bed and just ate, staring into space.

I was awoken from my thoughts by Kian who walked in.

"Hey Alana!" He said walking over to me!.

"Kian! Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you." He said smiling.


"Look Alana, I don't wanna make things awkward or anything, but I'm really close to you l feel like I need to tell you. Hayes is depressed, he hasn't come into school all week. He's been sitting in his room, not eating, showering , or even functioning. He needs you, or it'll get alot worse." He said looking down.

I couldn't get any words out.

Depression is worse than any physical injuries, I know because I've been through it.

It's horrible, as if you're trapped and no one can help you.

I caused this .

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