Chapter 32

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* I'm on my phone so I can't do bold etc *
* Alana PoV *
* the next day *
I woke up and the side of my face sting like a bitch.
I got up out of bed and grabbed my crutch.
I went into the bathroom and looked at my face. It was all swollen. My cheek was red and I had a black eye that I could barley see out of.
I tried to cover it with makeup but it just made it even more obvious .
I got dressed into lounging shorts from pink and my pink hoodie .
I tied my hair in a messy bun and ventured downstairs.
I tried to avoid my mum but it didn't work
" What happened !" She said running over to me and inspecting my face.
" nothing " I said wincing in pain as she touched it
" nothing ! This is nothing , I'll get you ice then you're telling me what happened !" She went to the freezer , wrapped some ice in a tea towel and then put it on my face causing me to step back.
" tell me " she said giving me ' the look'
"Ugh, at the party I walked into a door , that's it"
"I'm not stupid , what actually happened "
" mum , you can't tell anyone please "
" I won't "
" I caught Hayes and Chloe doing something and I took a picture " I showed her the photo on my phone , she was shocked.
"Yup, and I showed Nash and Nash freaked out and told Chloe to leave then Hayes pushed Nash and Nash pushed Hayes and then Hayes went to hit Nash but I went in between them so he hit me, no biggie " I said brushing it off as if it was nothing,
" we need to tell Elizabeth !"
" no mum, please don't , Hayes already Hates me ! That'll make it worse "
"Fine, but I'm not letting him get away with this, go sit down and hold the ice to your face " she said before walking away .
She was dropping Daisy at day care and then going out with a new friend today and Stuart was working , so I was home alone as usual
To Nash ; Can you and Emily come round today ? I'm sooooooo bored
He instantly replied
From Nashty : of course , we'll be there at 12:30
At least I wasn't home alone all day.
It was 12 now so I had 30 minutes to make myself look half decent .
I went upstairs and put on leggings and a red Magcon hoodie.
I know it's not really different but it was better.
I took my hair down and it was still really curly .
I took a couple selfies , making sure you couldn't see my black eye and uploaded one .
I instantly got a range of comments
@hayesismabae ; you are so much prettier than Chloe !
@lolidk Hayes deserves you.
@absdjskal you're so beautiful
@queengrier Hayes would be lucky to get you back !
A few other caught my eye ;
@hayesgirlfriend you're so ugly !
@cameronandali Hayes is mine , back off
@chloegrier haha , I'm so much prettier , that's why I have Hayes and you don't.
Chloe commented .
Chloe commented .
Chloe commented .
Chloe commented .
Why can't she just leave me !
Before I knew it the door bell went.
I got my crutch and walked to the door as quick as I could.
"Heyyy" I said trying to cover my eye.
" oh my gosh " Emily said instantly coming and examining it.
" it's nothing , really " I said , I could see the guilt in Nash's face.
" it's my fault " Nash said.
" no , it's honestly not , can we please have a good day ? " I said smiling as well as I could my my face like this .
We went to the basement and chose a film.
We watched the hunger games , one of my favourites .
When it was finished we decided to go get froyo.
We got into Nash's car and he drove.
When we got there i hobbled out .
Everyone as staring at my face and leg,
A couple fans came up and asked for pictures , mostly with Nash but I got asked for a few.
We ate our froyo and just talked.
Luckily no one brought up yesterday .
Nash dropped me home and then went to Emily's.
I went into the front room and the door bell went again.
I got up and opened it.
" what " I said as soon as I saw Hayes .
" look , Nash told me how bad your face was . And I wanted to apologise "
" oh , sorry's gonna make a huge difference . The damage has been done , just move on. You can fix this anymore " I said before trying to shut the door but he stopped it with his foot.
He came inside and shut the door.
" look , Chloe , she's just special . You don't get many girls like her ' he said.
" you're right , because most girls don't want to be slutty "
" she's not a slut !"
" Then why did she cheat on you with Levi ! And probably so many other guys "
"How do you know about Levi"
"Because he goes to our school . I do have friends other than you you know . Not that we're friends " I said before sitting on my stairs because I was tired from standing.
" look , stay away from him ."
" And why should I listen to you? "
" Because I know him better then you !"
" whatever you can leave now " I said pointing to the door
"Look I'm sorry , as I was saying , you don't get girls like Chloe , or you , but I just can't stay away from Chloe , I mean I have feelings for you but it's like she has a spell on me ! And before you make any jokes satin shes a witch etc , I'm gonna leave . Once again . Sorry about your eye & everything " he said before leaving ,
" you dickhead" I shouted after he left.
I got back up and went into my room.
I got a text from an unknown number .
Unknown number : hey! It's Levi , wanna come round and chill after school with a couple friends tomorrow ? X
From me : sure ! I'd love to x
Tomorrow is due to be fun.
My mum came home and took me to the hospital , like she does every Sunday .
The doctor told me I'll only be in a cast for about 2 more weeks because my leg is almost okay again.
I sighed in relief and we went home.
A/n sorry if it's bad ! As I said I'm writing this on my phone so it's probably not my best ,

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