Email My Heart

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"Draco, I thought you were going to write," Hermione whispered, feeling hurt that Draco hadn't acknowledged her all summer.

Draco shifted guiltily, and ran his hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry, Okay? Can't you give me one more chance?" He begged.

"I want to... but I'm feeling torn. You promised me you'd write, and check how everything was. You knew I didn't want to go home this holidays, but you deserted me." Hermione responded, feeling bitter.

"Please give me one more chance to make it all up to you," he said, needing her more than ever.

Hermione looked up, seemingly conflicted at Draco, but she sighed.

"After you apparate back home, will you write to me?" She enquired.

"I'll email you with all my heart. Don't worry, our love will stay alive forever," He promised her, and that contented Hermione very much.

"Ok. I'll give you one more chance. I love you Draco,"

A/N: well, that was my first oneshot! How did I do? You get the basic idea now, and I'm sorry if there not very good or they don't interest you, if they don't then feel free to check out my other stories, and I'll try with these, hopefully they don't flop as I've never done this before, and I know from trial and error and the fact I've been writing and reading fan fictions for a while that it takes practice for writing to mature and work out in a satisfying end result. Anyways, I'll stop droning on. People probably don't usually read my A/N 's anyways lol, but I still write them because I love to write them and it's become such a habit. I guess old habits do really die hard. Hope y'all enjoyed! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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