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Hermione's POV

"We can't be together anymore,"

Those words shocked me to the core.

"But why?" I questioned, taken aback by the sudden revelation.

"It's not safe for you. Besides, I can't anymore. It's just... not the same. Besides, you'll hate me if I tell you all the reasons why." Draco replied.

"Am I really that bad?" I dared ask, tears forming in my eyes and threatening to drip down my face unpleasantly.

"No. It's not you. Truly. However, I can't let you be in danger. I have to do this for now. I told you years ago, remember, you should take caution when it comes to love. It's just an illusion, and a mistake to love now," he replied, shattering my heart.

"Go ahead tell everyone how happy I was, and how you broke my heart. Hoped it wouldn't be impossible." I whispered, the tears falling.

"Please don't," he begged quietly, before walking away abruptly.

I couldn't help myself.

Falling out of love is hard. Broken hearted. I thought all I needed was there, I built my faith on love and words, and those empty promises he made will wear, I know it. All is done, I guess there's nothing to say, and hopefully he's done with embarrassing me. Let him tell them. It was impossible.

A/N: very upsetting oneshot here! I wanted to do a sad one! Next one will be Draco's POV, but I don't know what song to do right now. I'm sure I'll think of one eventually. I have a feeling I'll do born to make you happy next, but I'm not sure which direction I'll take it in. I'll just write and see what happens as I tend to mostly do. Unprofessional; I know. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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