You Drive Me Crazy

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Hermione's POV

"Dare!" I said bravely, eyes glittering.

"Fine! I dare you, to go into that cupboard and play seven minutes of heaven with Draco," Blaise smirked, nudging me.

I pretended to sigh heavily at their childishness, but when Draco and I went into the cupboard, we grinned.

"I've been longing to snog you all night," he confessed.

"Me too," I responded dreamily, and I looked into the silvery grey orbs he called eyes, and looked lips with him, my hands on his shoulders and his hands tangled up in my hair before he wrapped his arms around my waist.

We both knew we were crushing on each other, but we hadn't made a move yet, we were both too scared too most likely, for fear that one or the then didn't reciprocate the feelings.

"Your kisses drive me crazy! You drive me crazy!" I said passionately, deepening the kiss.

His hand moved to my thigh, and the other up my shirt, and he placed it over my bra cladded chest, earning him a gentle moan from me, so innocent and soft.

I was breathing heavily as his hand wandered right up my thigh and passed across the crotch of my panties, making me shudder with want and desire.

"You drive me crazy too," he admitted finally.

"Tell me how you're so into me," I whispered.

"You naughty minx. I would love nothing more than to pleasure you until you are screaming my name so the whole of Hogwarts can here, and I want to be with you always," he said to me gently.

"Literally every single time you look at me, my heart is jumping." I told him.

"It's easy to see," Draco smirked, his hand remaining at the crotch of my panties hesitantly.

"It's okay," I whispered, kissing him.

He kissed my neck gently, sucking on my collarbone, making me cry out a little, and his hand began to stroke my most sensitive area, causing me to write against his hand as he pleasured me through my panties in a way I never knew anyone could.

Suddenly, the door was flung open, and we blinked in the sudden light, disappointed that our time was up.

"Wow, you really played!" Blaise remarked with a grin.

As the night edged on slowly, Draco and I got more impatient, and finally, when everyone was either passing out from firewhisky, or falling asleep, or was too high to know what was happening, Draco said,

"Let's take out little session that got interrupted earlier to my room. That's where I'll really drive you crazy,"

He winked at me, and I eagerly followed, and so, my night of pleasure began.

A/N: a saucy chapter! The ideas just keep sprinting into my head! Comment what you want, and I'll do it for you. Idk how many of these oneshot things I'll end up doing, but I'll do a fair few to make it worth reading. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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