Love Me Like You Do

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"Why are we doing this?" Draco groaned, as Hermione placed a paper crown upon his startlingly blonde head.

"Because it's fun! Besides, Dumbledore wanted us to immerse this school in muggle culture and include people, and what better way to do that than a play?" She responded, giving Draco the same speech for the eighth time since Draco had began to groan about having to play a prince in Cinderella with Hermione as Cinders herself. She'd dyed her hair an unnatural blonde temporarily and it made Draco appreciate her more for her natural self. He was glad she didn't often try to change herself, as in his opinion, she was perfect as she was.

"If you complain again, I'm going shove that glass slipper so far up your—"

"Mr Nott, I would advise you refrain from finishing that sentence," Professor McGonagall's cool voice drifted into the room and she glared disapprovingly at Theo, who flinched like a child being told off.

Hermione bit the insides of her mouth to stop herself laughing, and Draco openly smirked, although he had the sense to hide it when McGonagall's gaze moved to him, a solemn expression replacing the cheeky smirk.

When the play commenced, they went through the scenes without a flaw. Harry and Ron were the ugly stepsisters to add some humour into the play, Ginny was the wicked stepmother and Blaise was the king's servant, rushing around comedically.

When it came to Draco and Hermione's special dance, Hermione sang,

"Love me like you do, never knew that it'd mean so much,"

"Touch me like you do, what are you waiting for?" Draco joined in, and they slow danced around the stage, Draco's warm hands pressing on Hermione's waist gently and her hands clutching his shoulders delicately as they waltzed.

The school was in awe at the chemistry between the two. Hermione could barely think straight, so she let Draco set the pace.

"My head is spinning," she whispered.

"I can't see clear any more," Draco replied, and the pair finished their dance and after completing the play, they shared a passionate kiss on the stage in front of everybody. A tangle of lips, tongues, passion, desire and love.

A/N: random, but yeah! Thank you all so much for the support on these song Oneshots! I'm happy people have read them and voted and actually like them! I have finally finished these Oneshots, and I am considering doing a Harmione Oneshots book too. At first, I was afraid these wouldn't get any popularity but I'm happy they did and that they got so much in the little time they have been up! I'm so grateful! Thank you so much, I cannot express how pleased I am and I'm proud I actually finished them! I am working on a new Dramione story, and I hope you will all like it! As of currently, it is called Better Than He Can! Hope you've enjoyed! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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