Worth It

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Hermione's POV

As I danced in the club, a familiar face approached me, and I smiled widely.

"Where have you been?" I asked, kissing him on the cheek.

"I was at work. Damn company wouldn't let me leave. Some stupid meeting that I care nothing about," he responded apologetically.

"I missed you! I know you saw me this morning, but I tend to miss you!" I whined, needing him.

"What you acting shy for?" He enquired when he kissed my neck.  "Come and show me that you're ready and stop playing, I know that you're ready,"

I smirked at him.

"Ok. Show me what you got because I don't wanna waste my time, imma make it worth your while," I winked.

"You're worth it," He smirked, and his hands wandered anywhere and everywhere, and I said,

"Give it to me, I'm worth it."

I was rather drunk.

We stumbled out of the club, and Draco, being the sober one of us for a change, apparated us so I wouldn't have to do it and potentially, in my drunken state, get us both splinched.

When we arrived back at the Manor, he grabbed me, and ran with me squealing and put me onto his bed, ravishing my body with kisses as he tore the clothes from both of our backs and saw it necessary to pleasure and satisfy me until I was screaming his name. He hesitated at certain parts, and I said,

"It's not all on you, trust me. If you don't have a clue, I'll tell you what to do. Listen. I like it a little rough when I'm drunk, not too much, but maybe just enough to get what I want," I grinned as he said,

"Yes ma'am!"

He pleasured me until I was shaking, extremely full of pleasure, my want and needs satisfied by the man I loved.

A/N: I hope I did well! Thanks to Damonlover81  for suggesting this song! I hope it worked well. Having read smut and acute smut before, I have picked up what to write from other things, but in reality, I actually have no idea about sex scenes! Hey! I'm a month or two only into being 16 lol! I hope that you enjoyed this Damonlover81 ! Thanks for being so lovely and supportive to me! You're literally my best wattpad friend! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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