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Draco's POV

I finally let it all get to me. I'd held it in for so very long, and I knew I had to just let it happen.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and all I saw was a monster. Someone who could never see the light, someone corrupted, someone I would be forever, and I'd never get through. I had enough of myself, and I didn't think that I could change into who I really wanted to be.

I sobbed and felt weak as angry, upset and depressed tears streamed down my face, and I just let it all go.

I heard a sudden sound behind me, and I turned both angrily and frustratedly.

It was Hermione.

"Don't beat yourself up about all of this, please Draco, tell me what's wrong," she begged me, walking closer.

"Don't get too close. It's too dark inside." I warned her.

"You're not dark. You're just lost," she spoke.

"I have to hide the truth, I need to shelter you from it. Protecting you is the only way. It's up to date what happens to me now," I replied, my tone expressionless, the words just sounding like empty sound spilling from my mouth.

"Please, Tell me,"

I angrily wrenched up my sleeve, revealing my dark mark to her.

She gasped in horror, and I had to fight the urge to cry again.

"I'm a monster," I said bleakly. "I don't see how anything is going to be ok again. You don't deserve all this. I need to let you go. You'll be corrupted, stolen of everything. Your eyes they shine so bright, and I want to save that light. I can't escape this, unless you show me how, because right now, I want to die," I told her.

"Let me help you. You must understand, it's woven in my soul for me to help you," she said to me, standing boldly in front of me.

I let her hug me, and I threw my arms around her, sobbing bitterly as she held me close, whispering soothingly to me, and trying to comfort me whilst comprehending the bombshell I'd inflicted.

A/N: I need Ideas for the muggle breakfast chapter, which song should I use? Also, I love this chapter, and I just suddenly got the idea for it. Hope y'all liked it! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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