Lie To Me

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Hermione's POV

I knew that Draco wasn't being sincere. I knew that that picture in the prophet only confirmed what I had suspected had been going on for months. He'd lied to me.

Draco had cheated on me with that slut Astoria Greengrass, right outside his workplace too! When he got in, he'd leaned his head in my shoulder and he got down on me, and he acted like a good boy, but I knew his fly unzipped like a prostitute's knickers fell off! He lied to me all, leaned his head on my shoulder, The ferret! He pretended to love me, but it wasn't real.

When he'd gotten home afterwards, he'd made up some bullshit story about his meeting being extended, and I strained my lips into a false smile and brushed it off and carried on with making supper like everything was normal.

Even though I was ready for revenge, I'd still absolutely destroyed the picture of them in the prophet, but I had made a copy because of that wasn't enough, I wanted to expose him for what he was in his workplace too, and because the picture was right outside his work, along with several other images, I knew it'd be bad for his business.

I knew he had a huge presentation coming up, and he was still fuzzy on how to use a computer, so I decided to put the picture onto the stick, and it would project on his screen and Eventually, it would've spread around like wildfire what a cheat he was. Being the minister for magic, I had to attend the meeting anyway, so I could look at the results, and not, oh boy, couldn't have been more excited to see him being exposed.

A/N: I know. This is terrible! I did try though. I mean, I'm so happy though! Only been up not even a full day, and already I have 27 reads, a few votes and several comments! On deep in my heart, thanks for 10 reads and all votes and comments! Thanks for 808 on Sucker for his Love too! It'll be at 1K soon! I'm so excited! Then I'll have 2 books in the K numbers so to speak. I'm so grateful for all the support that's flooded in. I can't believe it! Thanks so very much everyone! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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