Treat You Better

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Draco's POV

I looked over at Hermione and the Weasel, and felt the familiar pang of jealousy that always stung and burned inside of me like a never ending scorch of fire every time I saw them together doing anything remotely couple-ish if you like. From the looks of what was going on though, they looked like they were arguing.

I walked closer and decided to eavesdrop, being the Slytherin I was.

"Why though? You're such a prude! Lavender at least was more sexual than you, but your about as much fun as the dementor's kiss. Besides, you only let me kiss you. You know what I want, and if you can't give it to me, then I don't see how we can remain together," Weasel spat at her, glaring into her eyes.

I felt a surge of anger pulsing through my veins as it washed over me, and I felt a sudden desire to actually knock Weasel 'accidentally' off of the Astronomy Tower.

"Ron, please. It's not your fault, or mine. I'm just not ready to take that step yet, and if you truly respected me for the woman I am, then you'd stop trying to force me. If that's how you feel then, let's break up, and pretend like it all never happened. I'm not someone you can mess about with, have sex with and show off to Seamus and that lot! I value my dignity more than that and have some self respect," She responded snootily.

Weasel slapped her harshly across the face, and she quickly flicked her wand, pushing him into a wall, before turning on her heel, her nose in the air, and her walking pace quickened.

I followed her discreetly, and saw her go around a corner to the deserted corridor, of which nobody apart from ghosts who drifted listlessly tended to come down.

She sank onto the floor, her back against the stone wall, and buried her head in her knees, sobbing her little heart out.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, and she looked up at me, and fiercely wiped away the tears.

"What do you want?" She asked, eyes blazing.

"I wanted to see if you were okay. I mean, we don't see eye to eye, and I don't want to come too close in case you punch me again, but nobody deserves what he just said to you," I replied, edging a little closer, though warily for fear she'd take note from the previous year and punch me.

She smiled a small smile, and patted the floor beside her, and I sat beside her, a little more convinced she wasn't going to punch me.

"I won't punch you again. You're not being a git this time," she humoured me.

"I believe it was foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" I smirked, quoting her words.

"Whatever. But thank you. It means a lot that you checked up on me. I can't talk to Ginny about all this because Ron is her brother, I can't speak to Harry because it'd destroy the friendship, and I don't want that just because of me. I already have enough on my conscience. I just thought that he'd accept it, because he used to be so lovely, but he just hurt me. I can't be with someone who hurts me," she said, her emotions and qualms all rushing out.

I listened patiently until she was finished, and said,

"Nobody deserves to get hit. It's not love. You need someone better." I told her calmly.

"Like who?"

I went for the jugular.

"I can treat you better," I whispered.

She looked at me in shock, and gulped.

"You? Why would you—."

"Because there's no point in wasting time. You're just doing wasted crying. You should be with me instead. I know I can treat you better than he can, I'm sure of it in fact."

"Really? You would. I mean, you've been so much nicer to me this year, and I have to admit, I do have a small crush on you, but we have to keep it secret, for both of our sakes. Just for now." She replied.

"We will," I said, entwining our hands and lacing my fingers in her own, with a smile.

She smiled at me, and that's when I knew... everything was going to change.

A/N: That was long and very cute indeed. Think I did well? Comment suggestions for songs and if I know the song, I'll make up a oneshot to it! Requests are open, and the song has to be a sort of song that makes someone think of Dramione. You can also suggest how the oneshot would go. They will be in different POVs ranging from 1st person&3rd. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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