Steal My Girl

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Draco's POV

I glared at all of Hermione's other admirers before giving the the smuggest smirk I could muster. She was mine, and I knew, that ever since she became my world, and my queen, ever since the sweet, tender, innocent age of sixteen, we knew we wanted the same things, and we eventually realised that we wanted the same things.

I walked with her to the special ice cream parlour on our anniversary, which was still thriving despite the wizarding world war that was shading everything good, that place stood proudly, almost beaming with a happy glow.

The war was important to me, because I knew, ever since I defected, ( I think that's the word lol) I knew it was vital that Potter won it for us in the end, for the sake of everyone, and the sakes of Hermione and I's futures. However, I thought that celebrating every last ounce of our love  was important, and I knew I wanted to at least try enjoy every moment of it with every fibre of my being whilst we still had the opportunity.

"Draco, you remembered!" She smiled, her beautiful eyes shining brightly as she got that glazed look every time she remembered something good, and her lips curled into an even bigger smile.

I looked at her in awe, taking in her features, and realising I'd always underestimated her beauty. I didn't deserve someone as good as her, and she had to have the best, and that's what I vowed to give her until my dying day.

We entered the ice cream parlour, and she lit up like a child when we grabbed our identical chocolate cone cones, and got to the vast array of flavours. It was a muggle ice cream parlour, as I'd tried to be inventive, although it had backfired on me a little as I didn't know exactly what all the flavours entailed.

She scooped up salted caramel, mint choc chip and banana, and piled her cone high. I pondered over the choices, and eventually chose the same, but I had some flavour called mango instead of the caramel, which I wasn't overly fond of at the best of times. Hermione had once gotten me some chocolate called Dairy Milk Caramel, and I forced myself to eat it, but the truth was, caramel was too sickly for my tastebuds.

When I paid for the ice creams, after bickering with Hermione about the payment, we sat down, and tucked into our ice creams. I knew everyone wanted to take her heart away. I always told them the same thing; to find another girl because she belongs to me. Every jaw drops when she walks past, or when she wears certain things, and I find it amusing because they will never have her. I'm the only one that will. I'm so grateful for her, and I never take her for granted. She's precious. Something I could onto dream of having, although she says sometimes that dreams have a funny way of becoming reality when they're deserved. We munched on our ice cream slowly as we reminisced over all of our past dates, which some of them had ended on a bad note, but they were mostly amazing and unforgettable, especially the first time I made love to her. That date was by far my favourite. No relationships happen without slight complications, but I knew for sure that we would always be okay, as long as we had each other, and that was all that ever mattered.

A/N: thought this was kinda sweet. I tried! Thanks to Damonlover81  for all of the commentary, and the advice and feedback. It's been so helpful! Don't be shy everyone! Comment your ideas and I'll do my best to make them happen, and I'll do my best to do them well. I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! I don't mind feedback, as long as it isn't direct hate, it's welcome. I'm so grateful for all the reads! And comments and votes of course! I never thought I'd get so many as quickly as I appear to have done! I'm so happy! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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