I Wanna Know What Love Is

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Draco's POV

She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen that night. As she walked beside Viktor Krum, holding onto his arm, I couldn't help but wish I was in his place.

I heard everyone's exclamations and whispers about her as she elegantly walked, smiling at everyone, her eyes even catching mine as she gave me a huge smile, and even I couldn't seem to find an insult to hurl at her. She was exquisite!

After the champions had completed their first dance, I noticed Viktor Krum and her were dancing around wildly, and when she was tired, he presumably went to get some drinks, and kissed her hand, causing her to giggle.

Pansy clutched on my arm, and I turned to her.

"Will you get off my arm, please?" I asked.

"I want to dance," she said.

"I'm a little tired. Why don't you get some drinks, and I'll dance after," I compromised.

She nodded and sloped off in her silvery dress to go and get us some drinks, and I observed Granger arguing with the Weasel, whereas Potter didn't seem to be arguing.

She walked away from him, and she walked out of the Ballroom for a bit of fresh air presumably. I decided to follow her.

When I saw her outside, nibbling at her painted nails, I walked over to her, smoothing my hair slightly.

"Granger? You ok?" I asked her gently.

She looked up at me with a small gasp, and gave me a half smile.

"Why do you still call me Granger? We're on friendly terms now Draco," she smiled, avoiding my question.

"I'll call you Granger until... never mind. You didn't answer my question," I pointed out.

"I'm ok. I'm having a good night so far, but I'm trying to ignore Ron. He thinks that just because Viktor is a few years older that he's the enemy and that he's just using me for one thing," she said bitterly.

"He's just jealous. Every girl has had to hang on to their partner tonight, as soon as you walked through the door." I told her.

"I just didn't want to appear as I normally do. You know, ugly, prude," she said, putting herself down.

"You're most certainly not ugly. You have self respect, doesn't make you a prude," I reminded her.

She smiled at me gratefully, and held my hands.

"You look brilliant tonight," she whispered.

"So this is what love feels like," I muttered.

"I want to know what love is, and I want you to show me," she declared quietly.

We stepped closer to each other, and I could see her chest riding and falling with her heavy breathing as I approached her pink lipsticked lips.

I leaned down a little to reach her, and let my lips connect with hers. It was better than I could've imagined. I kissed her softly, because I knew it was her first kiss, and I knew I didn't want to overwhelm her too much.

She was a little hesitant, but she soon got into the swing of it, her lips moving softly on my own, before I gently bit her bottom lip, and moved my hands to her waist and put on arm around her back, so our chests met and we were basically as one.

When we stopped for breath, she said,

"My first kiss. I'm glad it was with you," she smiled sweetly.

"Me too. I wanted to be your first. You're the best I've ever had. And also, I'll call you Granger, just until you become a Malfoy," I smirked, and I went back inside, giving her a grin as I went.


At the end of the night, I saw something heartbreaking. She was crying on the steps, her night utterly destroyed by the Weasel. Potter hadn't stayed with her.

I edged over to her, and put an arm around her, letting her cry it all out.

"Let it all out, it won't always be this way," I soothed her.

A/B: well that was sweet! Next oneshot will be From the bottom of my broken heart by Britney Spears! I'm obsessed wBritney! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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