Touch Of My Hand

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Draco's POV

Ever since I left Hermione, it was torture. Yes, I had other whores practically queuing up to fuck me, but I was still a married man, and no matter how much everything was falling apart, I'd never be unfaithful, despite what many people would think. 

One day, I was simply tired of watching the internet porn that Theo had sent me in an attempt to cheer me up, but not even that could raise my spirits. If I couldn't have Hermione's hand, then I'd have my own.

I slowly began pumping my hand up my member, imagining Hermione teasing me, her head bobbing between my legs, and I began to pump faster as I felt my release approaching.

I'd spent so long without a lover, so the more time I spent alone, the more I came to understand the touch of my hand. The way my feet curled and the way my back clenched up. Everything. That sensitive spot upon my neck, it all added to my mind blowing release, but I knew without a doubt, that I'd made a mistake, and even though I understood the touch of my own hand by that point, I was certain I'd made a mistake.

I knew I had to get Hermione back.


A/N: cheeky chapter! Calm down plz Draco! He knows the way he wants to feel, and he knows only Hermione can do that for him for certain. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗 short again, so sorry!

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