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Draco's eyes lit up as he stood excitedly in the crowd, just as excited as his son and daughter, who were thrilled to finally be attending the annual New Year's firework display, and it was his first time attending.

His wife, Hermione returned with boxes of fluffy popcorn for everyone, including one to share for the children.

"Mummy, where are they? I want to see the fireworks!" Scorpius said impatiently, a little tired of waiting way past his bedtime to see the fireworks, even though he'd pestered on and on for three weeks straight to be able to see them, even in the midst of Christmas festivities.

"Don't worry darling, they're going to happen soon! You're like a little firework in your green outfit anyway!" Hermione remarked fondly, stroking her son's fluffy blonde hair and tugging gently at the tinsel that her son had messily stuck onto his outfit in order to appear alike a firework.

"Daddy, What time is it?" Rosalie Asked sleepily.

"Only five minutes to go," he smiled, picking up his drooping daughter, who sleepily burrowed her head into his shoulder for a few minutes after being reassured that she wouldn't be able to sleep until after the fireworks.

Scorpius looked up at the sky and begun to sing Katy Perry but the incorrect words of course.

"Baby you're a firework, let the colours learn! Jump and go oh oh oh! Left them go the oh oh oh! Make you go wow, firework!" He sung excitedly, although he was getting a little tired.

When the countdown began, Rosalie and Scorpius looked at the sky expectantly, and Hermione and Draco held the hands of each other and their children in a circle, and counted from ten to the moment the fireworks exploded in the sky with deafening bangs, causing an array of gorgeous colours to burst into the dark night sky and pepper it with vibrant explosive colour.

"Happy new year my love," Draco said to Hermione, kissing her softly on the lips.

"Happy new year," she replied, smiling into his eyes.

"Yuck! Stop doing kissy kissy! You have a room for it!" Scorpius complained, shielding his eyes from his parents locking lips.

Typical child.

Rosalie squealed.

"It's so romantic! But the fireworks are too loud!" She complained, and when a Catherine wheel made a loud screech, she exclaimed, frightened, and she whimpered to be held, and Hermione scooped her up, and gave her the biggest hug she could muster to comfort her and Draco scooped up Scorpius, who was almost falling asleep after the short lived excitement he had experienced, and he looked adorable.

A/N: cute little family scene for Dramione! I was trying to think of Holidays, so bonfire night came to mind, which was very sweet I think and I really wanted to try do a holiday themed one. I didn't know many holidays though. Suggest other ideas and songs! All are extremely welcome BonBons! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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