Paint It Black

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Draco's world was falling apart. Since Hermione had died, he had absolutely lost it. He didn't want to remember anything that reminded him of Hermione because it just made him completely depressed. He had Scorpius to think of, and he was too young to understand and to talk to about it in the way he badly needed to. He didn't like colour. It reminded him of Hermione. He had gotten even more depressed than when he'd been set the task of assassinating Dumbledore. He just wanted everything to be black to match his mood. He didn't know how to be without Hermione. He wanted no colours anymore the colours to turn black. He wanted to fade away and not have to face the facts. He couldn't foresee the death happening to her.

He vowed that he would gain revenge and never fall out of love with her for the rest of his days alive.

A/N: depressed Draco. It's so sad that they broke apart, through death. Dramione got destroyed! Am I doing these right? I hope I am. If not, you know what I intend them to be anyways lol. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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