If I Can't Have You

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Draco's POV

(Triggers of eating disorders, and suicide in this chapter, you have been warned, skip if you do not feel comfortable reading this one, I won't be offended :) )

It was hilarious to see her, the pathetic little thing falling desperately in love with me. I'd gotten her back for her punch in the cruellest way possible. I'd stolen her heart, her innocence, her virginity, and her love, and I'd told her about my bet. That I didn't love her.

A few weeks after though, she'd gotten to a stage where she wasn't even eating out of her sorrow. I watched her deteriorate before my own eyes, and I was so selfish, so cruel. I didn't help her or give her any consolation, until it was too late.

"Have you heard what's happened mate?" Theo asked me, running over to me.

"No, why? What's happened? It's not Astoria is it?" I said worriedly.

"No, Granger has been sent to the hospital wing. She's malnourished and anorexic. She's suicidal!" He said in hushed tones.

I could scarcely believe it. Something inside of me snapped, and I let the desire to go see her, although I knew I had a nerve, and I doubted she would ever want to see me ever again. All I'd brought her in the end was pain, and false pretences.

When I got to the hospital wing, she glared at me from her bed.

"What do you want with me now? Going to laugh in my face?" She spat venomously.

"No, I'm not. I know I was the one who ended up putting you here technically. I wanted to say... I didn't mean it to go this far," I said, ashamed of myself as I bowed my head, and stared at the foot of her bed.

I felt awful. I'd rushed the 'relationship', I'd forced her pretty much into having sex, and although she consented, I could tell she really didn't want to do it, and I'd broken her heart into thousands of pieces.

I didn't deserve her trust.

"I can't think about you, everything means nothing if I can't have you. Properly at least," she spoke.

Then she said,

"I was trying to move on, forget you, but a part of me decided to hold on, though heaven knows why. I need you. Everything means nothing if I can't have you," She said to me, muttering.

I was taken aback, that after all the things I'd put her through, she still had feelings for me. That's when I realised how terrible my mistake had been.

A/N: feel free to use these Oneshots as inspiration for your own stories but do not copy them word for word please. Tag me if you use an idea! I'd love to read what y'all think of! Comment any suggestions, and sorry if anyone felt uncomfortable or upset with this chapter, I wanted to show a different, alternative side to Dramione. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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