All I Want for Christmas is You

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Draco's POV

"Please! I'm going to fall!" She panicked, stumbling around the ice like a baby deer.

I chuckled at her instability, and stretched my hands out to take hers and we glided over the ice in perfect harmony.

Everything was going so well. It had been for a few months. I'd developed feelings that I had no idea if she reciprocated or not, but I knew that I didn't want a lot for that Christmas, there was just one thing I needed, I didn't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree.

I glided over the ice with her and gently let her go, and my heart swelled with pride as I saw the proud look on her face when she managed to succeed to balance alone, although she did wobble precariously from occasional time to time until I stopped, and she skated over to me slowly, stumbling a little bit.

"Why'd you stop?" She asked me breathlessly, her cheeks flushed from the crisp winter air, and her hair was frizzed out lightly, but her eyes were sparkling brightly and I'd never seen her look more beautiful.

"I don't know if you feel this way too, but I'm just going to come right out and say it. I just want you for my own. More than you could ever know. Make my wish come true Hermione, I beg you. All I want for Christmas is you," I said, and her face lit up like Christmas lights.

"I thought you'd keep me waiting 'underneath the mistletoe' so to speak," she grinned.

"I'll just need you Christmas night, holding onto me so tight? Tell me, what more can I do? Is that a yes?"

"All I want for Christmas is you too!" She said passionately, giving me a huge hug and forgetting she was on the ice.

We fell in a heap, laughing wildly at each other, unable to stop for a good five minutes.

A/N: I am such a big kid! I STILL LOVE CHRISTMAS! Who doesn't? Besides, I'm already in the Christmas spirit! I love that song, All I want for Christmas is you! It has always been my favourite, along with my only wish this year by Britney Spears of course. I will do a Halloween oneshot too, but I'll do other ones near Halloween and Xmas again! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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