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Hermione's POV

My heart broke in half when I saw Pansy Parkinson snogging my boyfriend, my lover, my everything.

I needed my baby.

Everytime I tried to sleep since that day, I saw him in my dreams, his face was haunting me.

"You should've known better to trust me. My weakness caused you pain, but I don't think I'm sorry," Draco said honestly, when I confronted him about it all.


Few weeks later

I didn't know why we were acting like strangers to be honest. Our love was so strong, to me anyway at least, I didn't understand how he could carry on without me. I could barely live with myself. I knew I should just find someone knew, but it just wasn't that simple.

A/N: short one again, sorry if it isn't that good was in a bad mood when I wrote this. Most people in my family apart from like two people are being shitty for no reason. Barely speaking, constantly moody. I'm sick of it. I'm just gonna do what I want from now on. It's not as if they care. They just have to pretend to. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

P.s: Ik y'all don't care, just had to rant lol.

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