I'll Never stop Loving you.

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Hermione's POV

I knew Draco had wanted to go so much further for a while, but he had patiently, like the gentleman he was, waited for me to be ready. I had all these thoughts rushing around my head, and I was extremely confused as to what I wanted. I knew of the repercussions that could come out of giving Draco Malfoy my virginity, but I also knew that I truly did love him, and that he wasn't using me as he had done in the past with other girls.

So, I decided I was ready.

When we were kissing later on, he put his hand on my thigh, and when I let it remain there, he looked at me in surprise.

"Hermione?" He said quizzically.

"Draco, I've been thinking for a long time now, and I've finally decided. I'm ready now. I want you," I told him, awaiting his response with baited breath.

"Are you sure?" He asked me to confirm.

"Yes, I've never been more sure. But Draco, please go slow, and don't hurt me more than you can help." I instructed.

He nodded, and carefully began to unbutton my blouse. I was a little nervous, but I managed to allow him to remove my blouse. I felt a little bit self conscious in case he didn't like what he saw, or if it didn't compare to his previous conquests, but he was gazing at me with what I could only describe as admiration.

"You're divinely beautiful and you look delectably delicious," he told me, his breath on my ear.

I giggled a little, and he began to kiss my collarbone before moving his kisses over my chest, making me sigh softly. His hands moved to my chest, and he gently felt my breasts.

"So soft, untouched," he breathed, before he moved his hands to my back and up to the clasp of my bra.

I got really tense as he unhooked it, and I let the straps slide down my arms as he gazed at my chest, his eyes full of lust as he moved his mouth towards them. He swirled his tongue around my chest, and I aches with desire, wanting more, and I felt the sensual touch and his hands moved down my stomach to my skirt.

He unzipped the back of it, before tugging it down my legs and throwing it onto the floor.

I blushed as he moved down, kissing my stomach and leaving trails of lovebites around my whole body, before he got to the top of my panties.

"Is it ok for me to take them off?" He asked me.

I nodded, and lay back to let what was going to happen, happen.

I was naked and vulnerable in front of him, for the first time in front of anyone.

He moved his hands to the inside of my thighs and up against my sensitive bud, brushing his thumb over it in tantalisingly slow circles, making me moan with pure pleasure.

"Draco," I moaned.

He proceeded to dip a finger in between my legs, and gently put it inside of me, which made me gasp, as I'd never felt the joys of penetration before.

His finger moved gently, and he instantly made me relax, as his finger curved up to hit that one spot that he knew would drive me insane.

After a couple of minutes of him teasing me, and making me soaked, he placed another finger inside of me, which made me wince a little, as I'd never had anything up there before.

"It's just to loosen you up a little, so that I don't hurt you when I... you know," he explained.

I blushed furiously.

"I understand," I replied, and he kissed my heck again, keeping me preoccupied as he suckled on my sweet spot, and continued his slow rhythm with his fingers, and when I began to twitch, he sped up his ministrations on my bud of sensitivity and I moaned out as the peculiar feeling inside my stomach unravelled behind my navel, and my pussy began to throb, and I trembled from reaching my orgasm, shaking violently as I did so.

"This will feel rather weird at first, but I'm sure you'll like it after a while," Draco said, and I braced myself for his length, which by my determination, was around eight inches, maybe nine.

He opened my legs more, and settled himself between them, and positioned his member appropriately, before saying,

"Are you certain? There's no going back if I do this,"

"I love you. I want you. Please, just do it." I answered before I could change my mind.

I felt him enter me, and I felt searing pain as he moved all the way inside me slowly, popping my cherry, and carefully moving the entirety of his length into me, causing me to scream in pain.

"I'm sorry baby, the pain will go away soon," he promised.

He stayed still for a few moments, so I could adjust to his length, and began to move slowly, slowing as much as he could until I grew used to the new, exciting, painful, unfamiliar situation.  When the pain began to ebb away slightly, I said,

"You can go a little faster now,"


He moved a little faster, and his hand rubbed on my bud as he moved inside of me, rubbing up against my walls and hitting my extremely sensitive g spot as he had sex with me. I couldn't believe it. I was actually losing my virginity! I watched his face as he worked on my receptive points with concentration, determined and driven to make me feel that wave of pleasure this was all leading up to in the best way imaginable.

I was a moaning mess as he growled,

"Fuck, your sweet little pussy is so tight,"

I moaned at his dirty language.

"You like that doll? Are you going to cum for me baby doll?" He asked me, and I was breathing so heavily at that point, and I nodded as he sped up more, filling me with the type of pleasure I'd always dreamed of.

"Draco! I'm gonna cum!" I whined, and I mewled as he quickly grabbed a vibrator and rubbed it over my bud, and that's what pushed me over the edge, and I let out a feral sounding scream after Draco stopped pounding into me relentlessly, and he shot his hot white seed into my throbbing pussy.

"I'll never stop loving you,"

"From now, until forever, I promise you know, I'll never stop loving you," Draco whispered.

"That was the best first time anyone could've ever wished for," I smiled.

"I'm glad you liked it, I'll always stay true to you," He promised.

"Make our vow, promise me now, that you'll never stop loving me,"

"I'll never stop loving you. How could I? You're the best sex I've ever had!" He smirked.

A/N: a very slutty, smutty, saucy chapter indeed! I still have the smut writing talent down! Hope y'all enjoyed this oneshot as much as I did writing it! The longest one so far lol! Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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