Lonely Together

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Hermione's POV

I had nobody left. Nobody. My parents were dead, so were Harry and Ron. It was insane how Harry died after Voldemort was defeated, by something so simple. He got an infected wound, and got sepsis, and died. Everyone medically possible attempted to save him, but all in vain. Ron died in the Battle of Hogwarts, and it was terrible to see someone I loved being stripped away before my very eyes.

I sat down on a stray rock, and thought about everything, when a cool hand on my shoulder and a voice said,

"Mind if I sit?"

I looked up, and nodded.

Draco sat beside me, nervously and obviously hesitantly.

"I know. We have nobody left now. It's strange," he said, and I answered with,

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"I am a legimens. I can do occlumency and I've been trained." He drawled.

"I have nobody. Nobody to tell me what do to, or say, or how to be," I voiced my sorrows.

"What about what we had? I know it was brief, but it was sweet whilst it lasted." He said to me.

"I don't know whether to listen to my head or my heart. But as I said, we have nobody. Nobody to tell us no. Why not be lonely together?" I suggested, my old feelings for Draco rushing back.

"I'd like that. We can't be friends. As lovers, it's the only way for us," he smirked.

I punched him on the arm gently.

"I might hate myself tomorrow for this, but I know we are on our way tonight,"

"It's like you're at the bottom of the bottle and there's poison in the wine, which is addictive,"

"I know I can't change you and I don't want to try, let's just be lonely together," I smiled, and I sat on his knee as he cuddled me close.

A/N: I feel like my Oneshots are slipping in quality! Idk if this one is as good as the others. I'm just writing for fun, and because my friends are currently leaving me out lol. Might not publish, but obviously you'll all know about it if I do, duh. I'm so dumb! They're doing tool required things, so it's kind of hard for me to join cuz I don't know what they're doing. Anyways, love you all my BonBons! Love from PotterheadBonBon💗💗

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