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I looked around the bland classroom, scrunching up my face at the multiple bible verses they had in their wall. What else would you expect from a so called "devoted angel of god" as she calls herself. Devoted angel my ass.


I nearly jumped out of my seat as Mrs. Charles brought her ruler down on my desk with a mighty rage. My eyes shot up to meet her glare, and I suddenly felt small beneath her looming figure.

"Mr. Fisher! Do you find it acceptable to space off in my class? What, you think that just because you're a demon that gives you the right to be disgusting and disrespectful?!" She shouted, bullets of spittle forming around the corner of her mouth as she lectured me.

"I-I'm sorry miss... won't happens again.." I muttered in response, my eyes focusing on the desk in front of me rather than her eyes.

"You bet your ass it won't." She growled, returning to the chalk board. I sighed and slumped in my seat, feeling the prying and accusatory eyes of my peers glued to me. I want to shrivel up and die right then and there...

Demons were treated awful at this school, everyone of them bullied ruthlessly. And no one seemed to care, either; teachers and staff ignored, so why can't the students ignore it too?

I felt something clip my in the back of the head so I quickly turned to see a smug looking Travis. I sighed, trying my best to ignore him and focus on the assignment we were given. I felt him clip me in the back of the head with his wing again, and that drove me over the edge.

I peered behind me, and in nearly a growl I let out a, "piss off, Phelps."

"Mrs. Charles! Sal is trying to cheat off of me!" Travis shouted, throwing his hand in the air. The class gasped as the teachers face was plagued with a sneer.

"That's it, Fisher, out!" She shouted, marching over and grabbing my wrist. Now here's the thing about demons; we have a neat little trick we can do with our voice. We can make it sound almost like it's echoed, like there's two people talking over each other but both sound creepy. And I used this to my advantage.

"Døñ't tøüçh më." I snarled, glaring intensely at her. She immediately let go.

"You know you're not supposed to use that voice in school, Fisher. It's strictly against the student handbook rules.. now you've broken three rules. Detention, after class." She stated, standing up straight.

"Whåt ëvêr ÿøū šåÿ, Kîttéñ." I snarled back condescendingly, walking out the door.

"Don't call me kitten!!" She called as I slammed the door shut and stood out in the hall.

"Do my eyes deceive me, or did Fisher just get kicked out of class again?" I heard a voice say.

"Fûčk øff ÿôu łïttłë- oh hey Larry." I stopped mid-sentence to get my voice back to normal, then gave him a friendly smile.

"So, what was it this time?" He asked smugly.

"Shut up... this time it wasn't my fault. This school just has something against demons and it pisses me off.. that little twat Travis got me kicked out because he framed me for cheating." I sighed, explaining the situation.

"Well, did you?" He asked, lighting a cigarette that hung loosely from his lips.

"Did I What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow up suspiciously.

"Cheat." He replied, taking a drag from the cancerous object.

"Really...? You think so little of me that you think I'd- wow. Ok.. hum.. good to know, Lar." I growled, already agitated with today.

"Don't bullshit me, Sal. I know you wouldn't cheat, you're smart, but I still wanted to ask." He replied, swinging his body towards me.

"Yeah... cause I'm a demon, right?" I asked, messing with my sleeve as I lowered my head to look at my feet.

"Sal... no, that's not why.. if that was the case then I wouldn't like Ashley like I do, you know that. And you know I love you, dude. But I know that you have trouble admitting you need help with something. I just wanted to ask, I'm sorry." He replied, taking my hands in his. My heart skipped a beat and I slowly lifted my head to look at him.

The mention of his crush on Ashley... it made me feel weird. Almost jealous. Oh well.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I overreacted." I sighed, smiling as he brought me into a small, quick hug.

There was a small silence between us before Larry broke it.

"Wanna skip?"

"Hell Yeah."

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now